Bowi_: Hi! How does localization work in this game? From what I understand, language is a major part of the game. Is the localization good enough so that everything still hold together coherently?
I played the game in english, so I can't say about localizations. However, the game is about language but not in the sense that it would matter what the localization is. I mean the dialogue isn't different to dialogue in any other story, and the language theme is more about the power of the word than being specifically reliant on grammar or linguistics in general. Also the superpowers in this game, and this isn't really a spoiler but feel free to skip, it's something that comes up after like an hour of the game
SPOILER(not really though :D )!!!
[spoiler] come from some primordial language, a basis for everything, and that's a made up thing that isn't translated and is transcribed in the game as these caveman symbols[/spoiler]
So as you can see, most of the game should be pretty easily transferable to any language.
With maybe one exception. There's a character there that recites poetry, and poetry isn't easy to translate, so that depends on the translator's skills whether it turns out good or not, if they didn't use some previous translations from books. But that isn't a major thing in the game.
So if you want to play the game in french and it's localized then I'm sure you won't miss out on something because of mistranslation.