cbarchuk: Is a triple class character like a Qualinesti Elf Fighter/Red Mage/Thief worth taking over just a regular Fighter/Thief? My main concern is slow leveling but most resources I've seen always recommend the triple class. Why is this?
2nd question: How do you figure out hit points for a triple class character?
The leveling is slower, but the multiclasses come recommended for several reasons:
* Many of the best spell buffs are personal only, making it a significant asset to personally be a mage.
* There's actually plenty of XP to be had, as long as you do the sidequests and don't rush through the game.
* Being a little lower level as fighter or thief is fairly minor (access to mage spells more than makes up for reaching level 13 fighter more slowly), while in the Krynn series, the Moon bonus spells are a pretty strong counterbalance to being a little lower level as a mage - even more so in DKK and DQK, because you can automatically rememorise cast spells by simply resting (as opposed to Champions where you need to re-select them) and neither game removes bonus spells from this list even if the moon has waned.
* Fighter caps out at 14 for Qualinesti Elves (easy to miss, since the blanket cap for non-thieves in DKK is also 14), so only 1/3 instead of 1/2 of your XP goes to waste in DQK as a triple class rather than a double.
* Level caps in Krynn are much more liberal, making it a lot more sensible to be a multiclass demihuman (as opposed to the Realms games where rather few combinations work well at high levels). Moreover, single class Mages are a relatively weak choice, especially when you reach DQK where a lot of enemies are heavily resistant to magic, there are places where your best spells don't work at all, and the low HP really becomes a weakness.
As for the HP for multiclass, it's simple - you always determine that level up's HP normally, then divide by the number of classes you have (two or three) and round down (with the proviso that you never gain less than 1 HP per level up). So every class level up after name (i.e., when you go to the fixed gains) is going to be +1 HP regardless of the class.