ArthurWalden: No, it won't break the game to not have Durfey with you, though you will miss out on some plot things. As far as I can recall, it never breaks the game to have or not have an NPC with you in gold box. Yes, NPCs charging into combat can be a pain. That is why it is good to have a high charisma in D&D gold box, as that will usually let you control your NPCs in combat, except in the first two, Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds, where the computer always controls NPCs. (In the Buck Rogers games, there is a specific Leadership skill that does the same thing.) In your case (and in any case for a party without high charisma), I would recommend giving Durfey a bow and plenty of arrows and equipping them. That should keep him in the rear lines in combat. (It's possible that won't work, but I think it will.) Just one more thing to remember: NPCs are not allowed to trade items to other characters while they are conscious.
It's been a while since I played, but I don't recall anything about a magic shop in Cekos, and I can't find anything in the clue book about it. The Death Knights of Krynn clue book does tend to skimp on details sometimes, so that doesn't mean for sure it isn't there. Sorry I don't know anything about this.
From what I've read, apparently having a Knight in the party can increase the chance of being able to control NPCs, and apparently the chance increases with higher ranks, with Knights of the Rose having the highest chance. (But is it worth the increased XP requirements?)