lars123456789: DAMN IT PEOPLE! Stop being so RIDICULOUSLY ingrateful and selfentitled. To get a thing to work properly it sometimes requires a little community-effort too, meaning that YOU people who want things to work out ALSO need to start looking for solutions to the problems, instead of doing your snobby, whiny and selfentitled complaining on end!.
Be ****ing thankful that some people want to stretch their hours to make these old games playable for you, and when they stumble onto some HEAVY problems, like this game here, do whatever you can to help out instead of pressuring them for crying out loud, that won't leave ANYONE with ANYTHING!.
Maybe there IS only one solution, dig out your shitty old hardware from back then and get to enjoying your nostalgia properly!, and how much of a problem would that be anyway ?
Of course we could make it work properly, if we just get the source code. That can be a problem, what you think?
As I have wrote here before, there is no way to make the hardware acceleration work without modifying the engine. AMD is not going to add the support for old type z-buffer anymore, which causes the black screen.
As for general stability, improving it would probably need modifying the actual source code too.
For me, I can't complete the third my pet dungeon. It just crashes after 5 minutes, every time.