LordGagnar: In the very first level (ever smile?) my amount of gold does not increase or decrease. Rooms cost nothing to make and the imps will dig gold but can't put it in the treasury. They will walk around the treasury trying to store the gold but all I can hear is the sound effect. They will keep trying to store it until i set them to do another task.
I am also unable to build a hatchery for some reason.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
The first level is pretty scripted in what rooms you can build when. You can mark an area to be dug out by your imps (make sure they can reach the tiles you mark, if you want them to actually dig it out!), then they dig it out and claim it (it goes from a dirt floor to a tile floor with a red tile in the middle, like getlogan said), and then you need to actually pay to put room tiles on the tiles you've claimed. You pay for rooms on a per-tile basis, laying them out one at a time (and being charged for each tile); select the room you want to put down and start clicking in the area you want it to be. To build larger (and more efficient) rooms, you need to place room tiles of the same type next to each other; for most rooms, you'll need at least a 3x3 layout for the room to be effective at all.
After you've built a treasure room, the lair should become available. After you've built a lair, the hatchery should shortly become available. You might need to dig to the portal and let your imps claim that before the hatchery becomes available. I seem to recall always having a fly or two before the hatchery could be built. If it doesn't come after a few minutes, make sure the previous room is at least size 3x3.