HackerPT0: Eduke 32 was supposed to have high res textures and fix alot of problems,so i downloaded the mod and no texture or graphical change.Then i downloaded the High res mod and the game stayed the same and in the top right corner of the screen says :unregistered shareware,so i just downloaded the Polymer HRP files and extracted them where the Eduke32 files where.I have the high res textures but the game gets massive frame drops in some areas. Am I doing something wrong?
eDuke32 is just a port of the build engine the original Duke3D used, so there won't be many graphical differences. The Hi-Res mod uses the eDuke3D program to replace the original textures and sprites with 3D versions. By default, the full Hi-Res mod download will include eDuke3D and the shareware levels to let you play. You can copy the Atomic Edition duke3D.grp file into the folder where the Hi-Res mod is installed so you can get the option to play the Atomic Edition levels. When you run eDuke3D click on the game "Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition" and you can either check the box to "Enable 'autoload' folder" or choose the autoload folder in the "Custom game content directory:" drop down box in order to use the Hi-Res files.
The version of eDuke3D that came with the Hi-Res mod is smooth as butter for me (i7-2600K/16GB Ram/ATi 4870 512MB). You can download the newest version of eDuke32 from the creators website @
http://eduke32.com/ and see if it helps smooth out the frame rate. For me the frame rate can still jump around erratically so i'll still get hitches here and there but for the most part i stay around 110-130 fps