namerof: Here's the vid [ ]
I've got secrets 4 and 5. Late in the vid he leaves the dancin babe and takes off down the acid and flies into the shrink ray cave. He then drops out and down to a cave directly below.
I do not have that cave nor the other two directly across from the shrink ray cave?
I'm just killin time till FOREVER gets here but I've spent two nigths trying to get on with it .
Thanks for anything :-)
That cave opens up after an earthquake-type event. I forget what actually triggers it, but I think you need to be in the cave ACROSS from where the shrink rays are coming from ( basically, follow the shrink rays and see where they're shooting to, and go there). There's a cave there where you are supposed to get hit by the shrink ray so you can get through a tiny passage. I believe as you move through that area there is an earthquake that will open up the cave below the shrink ray emitter.
Does anyone else remember exactly what triggers this earthquake?