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After years of teasing, after wasting time on asset flip called DMC V developer started working on REAL game.

In today’s “10 Years of Dragon’s Dogma” Developer Video, Dragon’s Dogma™ director Hideaki Itsuno announced the highly anticipated Dragon’s Dogma™ 2 is now in production using Capcom’s RE ENGINE. This highly anticipated reveal followed a discussion of the inspirations behind the monsters, combat, and unique gameplay mechanics that define the high-fantasy world and open-world action of Dragon’s Dogma. The much awaited sequel was announced with the reveal of the logo for the upcoming title.

The “10 Years of Dragon’s Dogma” Developer Video can be found on the Dragon’s Dogma YouTube channel, and the logo for the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be found on the Capcom Press Site at

Itsuno began the developer video by recounting how classic pen-and-paper role-playing games introduced him to the genre of high fantasy and RPGs as a whole. After these early experiences captured his heart, Itsuno went on to develop a passion for arcade and action titles, especially the combat of Capcom’s Street Fighter™ II. By the year 2000, Itsuno had released multiple titles for Capcom’s arcade division and began piecing together the first concepts for a game that would eventually become Dragon’s Dogma. This dream would have to wait however, as Itsuno was assigned to finish the production of Devil May Cry™ 2, and its sequels Devil May Cry™ 3 and Devil May Cry™ 4.

After completing production on the Devil May Cry games, Itsuno returned to his passion project at last. The distinct approach to magic combat and the ability to grapple towering foes already set Dragon’s Dogma apart from its contemporaries, however it was the game’s unique Pawn System that helped cement its place as a fan favorite. This special system was born from Itsuno’s desire to keep the game a single-player experience, while still allowing players to feel connected to one another by sharing the AI companions they create and train. As development progressed, it was the production team’s trips to the United Kingdom that inspired the rolling hills and architectural identity of the world players would explore.

As Itsuno finished looking back at the origins of Dragon’s Dogma, he gave fans the first look at what lies ahead for the series with the surprise reveal of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Itsuno and the Dragon’s Dogma 2 development team including Dragon’s Dogma veterans Daigo Ikeno and Kenichi Suzuki are hard at work creating the sequel, and are excited to share more details in the future.

Capcom PR Team
Ta, zapowiedziane. I jak nic wyjdzie również na GoG, na pewno ;)
I was so happy to see the 10th anniversary video, where the dev team talked about the development process of the original and then at the very end of the video, they did that surprise reveal for DD2. So glad it will finally be a thing, after so many years of waiting, neglect and mmo.

I think that Capcom is realising that there is simply no shortcut to make a good game. All those multiplayer modes and spin-offs of RE games that nobody asked for etc are just further proof that they simply have to sit down and do their homeworks right. Itsuno & co. can pull DD2 off as long as Capcom doesn't skimp on resources. Looking forward to it.
Spectrum_Legacy: I was so happy to see the 10th anniversary video, where the dev team talked about the development process of the original and then at the very end of the video, they did that surprise reveal for DD2. So glad it will finally be a thing, after so many years of waiting, neglect and mmo.

I think that Capcom is realising that there is simply no shortcut to make a good game. All those multiplayer modes and spin-offs of RE games that nobody asked for etc are just further proof that they simply have to sit down and do their homeworks right. Itsuno & co. can pull DD2 off as long as Capcom doesn't skimp on resources. Looking forward to it.
But DD did get spinoffs and multiplayer games, they were japanese only and were somewhat successful (considering DD is still a bit of an "underground" hit)
pippin15: But DD did get spinoffs and multiplayer games, they were japanese only and were somewhat successful (considering DD is still a bit of an "underground" hit)
I'm only aware of the mmo and I see it as such, a generic diluted experience that drags on - not a full blown standalone title. But that's just me ofc, I'm sure there are people who would welcome anything DD-related, even an mmo or a casual mobile title. To me, despite being a cult game, DD is still Capcom's underdog when compared to their heavy hitting franchises like RE, MH and DMC... so I'm very happy that it finally gets some love and attention in the form of a long overdue proper sequel.

P.S. I'm not a streamer, I don't earn living from playing games... and that would be the only case which would make me play a mmo of any kind, regardless of its flavor and brand. I would rather spend another 500h in DD1 for sure if I had to choose.
All right, Steam exclusive confirmed
The ship has sailed.
BTW Source
Post edited September 24, 2023 by zadymek
Still possible since the DDDA homepage doesn't mention GOG aswell.

Not sure about a release here though since Capcom doen't seem to care about the GOG store (only 2 games here).
Hybrid6781: Still possible since the DDDA homepage doesn't mention GOG aswell.
Capcom withdrawn support from GOG version of the game, that's probably why they're hiding its presence here.
But think about it: what is the chance they will want to come back to GOG after such a major screw-up?
Long line of screw-ups actually.
Dragons Dogma 2 has Denuvo added, so forget about being ever on GOG.

I was really hyped for the game, but now I even do not want it to buy on Steam. As long as it has Denuvo, I won't buy it at all. Bloody Capcom!!!!!!
JClosed: Dragons Dogma 2 has Denuvo added, so forget about being ever on GOG.

I was really hyped for the game, but now I even do not want it to buy on Steam. As long as it has Denuvo, I won't buy it at all. Bloody Capcom!!!!!!
Steam version has Denuvo. Obviously if Capcom wanted to release it on GOG they'd have to remove it.
Not saying they want. My last chance is EGS release.
JClosed: Dragons Dogma 2 has Denuvo added, so forget about being ever on GOG.

I was really hyped for the game, but now I even do not want it to buy on Steam. As long as it has Denuvo, I won't buy it at all. Bloody Capcom!!!!!!
zadymek: Steam version has Denuvo. Obviously if Capcom wanted to release it on GOG they'd have to remove it.
Not saying they want. My last chance is EGS release.
Nah - I don't want it on another platform. And I never bought anything on EGS, I hate that store, because they introduced exclusivity in the PC gaming space. It was bad enough to have console exclusives, but those jerks brought in in the PC gaming space as well. They won't see a dime from me...

Anyway - Even IF it would be sold on EGS, there would still be Denuvo slapped on it, so effectively you don't even own the game. You just are allowed to play it for a limited time. The moment the developer/publisher get their panties in a twist, they can flip the switch on the authentication server and kill your game (and you won't see back your money of course). Hell - They can even decide it's not longer worth the money they pay for Denuvo, with the same outcome. And one thing is for sure - The game will be unplayable some time in the future. And don't say it won't happen, because I already lost several games to that bloody DRM stuff. I have learned my lesson - The hard way. I have a reason to buy on GOG you see...

The only way I will ever pay for a game with a self destroy switch inside is when it's dirt cheap or when a "alternative" is available (if you guess what I mean). I will make sure that I don't loose too much money, or have a "backup" to play the game even in the future. I only want to protect my investment, that's all...
Post edited February 02, 2024 by JClosed
JClosed: Nah - I don't want it on another platform. And I never bought anything on EGS, I hate that store, because they introduced exclusivity in the PC gaming space.
Really, EGS did it? Do you know how many exclusives Steam has?
JClosed: And one thing is for sure - The game will be unplayable some time in the future. And don't say it won't happen, because I already lost several games to that bloody DRM stuff. I have learned my lesson - The hard way. I have a reason to buy on GOG you see...
Like, DRMs cause the performace drop or cause games to malfunction?
JClosed: Nah - I don't want it on another platform. And I never bought anything on EGS, I hate that store, because they introduced exclusivity in the PC gaming space.
zadymek: Really, EGS did it? Do you know how many exclusives Steam has?
Steam never forced the developers to be exclusive on the platform. They where always free to publish on other platforms too. That some games are on Steam only is a choice from the developers, not something demanded by Steam/Valve

EGS at the other hand....

JClosed: And one thing is for sure - The game will be unplayable some time in the future. And don't say it won't happen, because I already lost several games to that bloody DRM stuff. I have learned my lesson - The hard way. I have a reason to buy on GOG you see...
zadymek: Like, DRMs cause the performace drop or cause games to malfunction?
Nope - A little performance drop (if any) would be somewhat acceptable. No - I mean that a literal kill switch is build into a DRM-ed game. The moment the developer flips that switch, shuts down the authentication server, or simply stops paying for that service (like Denuvo) because it's not longer profitable, then your game simply stops working. And there is nothing you can do about that. Your game is gone, and so is the money you spend on it. Great huh?
You are just left with a digital blob on your hard drive that previously was a working game, but now does nothing more than fill up space without having any function. And as I told before - That has happened already with several games I own. So yeah - That's what I mean with avoiding DRM like the plague if possible...
JClosed: Steam never forced the developers to be exclusive on the platform. They where always free to publish on other platforms too. That some games are on Steam only is a choice from the developers, not something demanded by Steam/Valve

EGS at the other hand....
Steam (Valve) gets all those games through its shear size. That's one, and the only reason. And second, why are you so sure that there are no exclusivity deals? It's not like Valve didn't sign such deals in the past.

EGS on the other hand is small, so has to pay for exclusives (no one is forced) to compete, with Steam.

Which is not easy since Valve does allow publishers to publish on other platforms...
but also limits the ability of such platforms to compete with Steam using multi-platform games. It's all in the Steam Distribution Agreement. No discounts for the competition unless you discount on Steam as well (within short period of time), no exclusive content unless Steam gets exclusive content as well, etc.

So you are only able to compete with exclusives.

Now, what I like about EGS is that lots of games there run without the client, like GOG games. I have loads of such games (Control, Mortal Shell, Arkham trilogy, Pine). And even if the game specifically demands to be run online, EGS explains that it's the publisher's restriction (once again, two sets of standards, one for EGS other for Steam).

So, given that EGS is both: willing to pay for bringing games like DD2 to store and Steam competitor; I bet on it when it comes to delivering Dragon's Dogma 2 to me. I'd love to play the game on GOG but it's kinda unrealistic expectation.
Post edited February 05, 2024 by zadymek
JClosed: Steam never forced the developers to be exclusive on the platform. They where always free to publish on other platforms too. That some games are on Steam only is a choice from the developers, not something demanded by Steam/Valve

EGS at the other hand....
zadymek: Steam (Valve) gets all those games through its shear size. That's one, and the only reason. And second, why are you so sure that there are no exclusivity deals? It's not like Valve didn't sign such deals in the past.

EGS on the other hand is small, so has to pay for exclusives (no one is forced) to compete, with Steam.

Which is not easy since Valve does allow publishers to publish on other platforms...
but also limits the ability of such platforms to compete with Steam using multi-platform games. It's all in the Steam Distribution Agreement. No discounts for the competition unless you discount on Steam as well (within short period of time), no exclusive content unless Steam gets exclusive content as well, etc.

So you are only able to compete with exclusives.

Now, what I like about EGS is that lots of games there run without the client, like GOG games. I have loads of such games (Control, Mortal Shell, Arkham trilogy, Pine). And even if the game specifically demands to be run online, EGS explains that it's the publisher's restriction (once again, two sets of standards, one for EGS other for Steam).

So, given that EGS is both: willing to pay for bringing games like DD2 to store and Steam competitor; I bet on it when it comes to delivering Dragon's Dogma 2 to me. I'd love to play the game on GOG but it's kinda unrealistic expectation.
Well - That's your opinion. I think EGS deliberately stirred up this controversy. And of course Steam demands there are limitations if you want to publish on another platform. They simply say - No exclusivity. Everyone is treated equally. They are not wrong in that I should say. EGS at the other hand...

Oh - And lots of games on the Steam platform (take a look at the games from Falcom or GUST for instance) can simply run without Steam Client by clicking on the executable. The games that are "locked" behind the Steam client are so by choice of the developers, and not by Steam demand.

Anyway - I am not here to defend Steam. For me Steam and EGS are equally undesirable, because demanded or not, they all allow DRM in their games. And it's DRM that is my biggest concern. And not because of performance, but because of buying something that you don't own (yes I know you don't own the assets... Duh..).

However you look at it - This is all moot and not very important if Dragon's Dogma is locked away behind a kill switch called Denuvo. This game can be ripped out of your hands at any time at the whim of the developer and/or publisher. And then it's time to say farewell to your game and the money you spend on it. And that might be sooner than you think. I have experience with that...

So - It does not matter on what platform it is released. The game will become unplayable in the future, and there is nothing you can do to avoid that. So - As long as it's DRM-ed, it's no buy for me.
Post edited February 05, 2024 by JClosed