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I know many have brought this up, but where is capcom or gog with the connection issues? Any updates that we know of or are they at least investigating the issue? It's pretty awful :(
Did you enable cloud saves?
ifarmpandas: Did you enable cloud saves?
Yes sir. Do I have to disable and enable again to wake it up or something?
ifarmpandas: Did you enable cloud saves?
Ozone25: Yes sir. Do I have to disable and enable again to wake it up or something?
As far as I know, no you shouldnt have to.
When I initially had the same issue, which is ongoing by the way, I was instucted to unistal and reinstall both Galaxy and DDDA.
Its worth noting Ozone, that this is far from the only major issue with GOG release of the game and so far I've heard very litle regarding fixes to pawn rentals (RC, ratings and gifts), accessing server hangs (requires end proccess in task manager to fix), as well as a host of other server access issues (connection failures in rift or inn and endless black loading screens).
I have been renting player pawns then switching to offline mode to avoid the above problems. The only major drawback being that I employ a new set of pawns only every 10 levels and there are very few of them available.
Pawn rentals are still bugged to hell for most. No news from either GoG or Capcom, all I can say with certainty is that the data exchange mechanics behind the rental are not the same as the steam version, which probably further complicates stuff.

You can hire NPC pawns in offline mode (i.e., ones generated by the game as opposed to other player's pawns), as well as online, as the number of player pawns shown is very low for most as well. There's a thread for pawn rentals, and while you won't get any rewards or ratings, you should at least be able to see the other guys pawns as well as rent them without RC cost regardless of level. If that doesn't work, stick to offline mode. That seems to solve most of the server related performance issues.

It's a crying shame, since the game is build around this asynchronous pseudomultiplayer mode, but it's playable without the online component. I've spent 120+ hours already, so I won't apply for a refund, but I'm still rather pissed by the experience with tech support so far. I want this game to work as intended, FFS, but we're still stuck firmly at "denial", it seems.
I concur.

DDDA is my favorite game and seeing it in this state is pretty difficult to tolerate.

What's potentially worse is that either nobody writting reviews on the store page is familiar with how the game is supposed to function, or they are reviewing the game based upon other releases (such as steam or console) since I have yet to see one review mention the fact that the online functionality is spotty at best.
Ozone25: Yes sir. Do I have to disable and enable again to wake it up or something?
design: As far as I know, no you shouldnt have to.
When I initially had the same issue, which is ongoing by the way, I was instucted to unistal and reinstall both Galaxy and DDDA.
Its worth noting Ozone, that this is far from the only major issue with GOG release of the game and so far I've heard very litle regarding fixes to pawn rentals (RC, ratings and gifts), accessing server hangs (requires end proccess in task manager to fix), as well as a host of other server access issues (connection failures in rift or inn and endless black loading screens).
I have been renting player pawns then switching to offline mode to avoid the above problems. The only major drawback being that I employ a new set of pawns only every 10 levels and there are very few of them available.
That's my cure so far, go online mode in the rift, rent, then go offline mode because it just isn't working. I kinda feel bad because I think I can't gift someones pawn who is awesome at the time due to being offline mode.
design: As far as I know, no you shouldnt have to.
When I initially had the same issue, which is ongoing by the way, I was instucted to unistal and reinstall both Galaxy and DDDA.
Its worth noting Ozone, that this is far from the only major issue with GOG release of the game and so far I've heard very litle regarding fixes to pawn rentals (RC, ratings and gifts), accessing server hangs (requires end proccess in task manager to fix), as well as a host of other server access issues (connection failures in rift or inn and endless black loading screens).
I have been renting player pawns then switching to offline mode to avoid the above problems. The only major drawback being that I employ a new set of pawns only every 10 levels and there are very few of them available.
Ozone25: That's my cure so far, go online mode in the rift, rent, then go offline mode because it just isn't working. I kinda feel bad because I think I can't gift someones pawn who is awesome at the time due to being offline mode.
Don't feel that bad, Gifting pawns isn't even working right now.
Ozone25: That's my cure so far, go online mode in the rift, rent, then go offline mode because it just isn't working. I kinda feel bad because I think I can't gift someones pawn who is awesome at the time due to being offline mode.
MadHattie: Don't feel that bad, Gifting pawns isn't even working right now.
Ugh....maybe it's time to find another game on PS4 lol