wariodude128: I'm not used to getting down to the nitty gritty of my games, so any help would be appreciated.
Schwertz: Well, you have to master this, otherwise most of the old games would be a pain for you.
wariodude128: Shows up at the bottom as follows with a comma denoting the next line down: mount c .\base, c:, novert.com, doom.exe, exit.
Schwertz: I don't see something named 'base' in my
dosbox_doom_single.conf from setup_the_ultimate_doom_1.9_(28044).exe Download the latest DOOM installer from GOG.
Navigate to the directory where
doom.exe resides. There should be following files there as well:
dosbox_doom_single.conf Put
novert.com into that directory.
dosbox_doom_single.conf with notepad and put
novert.com on a line between cls and doom.exe (see attached to the post file)
Save the file.
That will make novert work.
dosbox_doom.conf with notepad, find string
aspect=false and replace it with
aspect=true (see attached to the post file)
Save the file.
That should fix ugly horizontally stretched screen. Have no idea why GOG made their dosbox config this way.
P. S. Just in case I've uploaded complete edited conf files as well:
https://transfiles.ru/jwk0n That seems to have done it. I downloaded Ultimate Doom long ago, so I guess things had changed since I did. Going to see if the same trick will work with Doom II. If so, I'm set for a long time. Thanks a bunch, my friend.