mk47at: Perhaps they are old files and new ones have been created at another location… it's the only cause of the problem I can think of at the moment.
Can you test that? Move them to another location and check if they get recreated at the next start of gzdoom?
Edit: Yes, that should be the reason. According to the
source code, the ini is stored somewhere in %APPDATA% unless there is a gzdoom_portable.ini in the exe directory.
korell: Hmm, that's weird. Using the latest dev version (2.4pre-720), on a fresh extract from the archive and running it, the ini is created in the GZDoom folder where I've extracted it to, it doesn't create it in %APPDATA%, and this is the behaviour I've always seen with GZDoom.
EDIT: So it looks like it always does the construct "$PROGDIR/zdoom-$USER.ini part of that code, as that's the ini that gets created for me when running from a fresh extract of GZDoom. Well, gzdoom-%USER.ini, anyway.
Thing is, to manage my many mods I have separate ini files for each mod (for customizing settings and controls for the different mods) so I call the relevant ini file via the command line, all done in .bat files, so I always know exactly what ini file is being used.
So for darkredshift's issue I think we'll have to get a full set of details on where the files are stored (both for GZDoom, the IWAD files and the music mod file), whether GZDoom.exe is being called just by double-clicking on it or using a shortcut or batch file with launch parameters (and what launch parameters if applicable), along with the details of the ini file, so that we can mirror his setup and see what is going on.
I'll gladly say.
All of my GZ Doom files are kept in both the GZ Doom folder sans level WADS, and my Doom, Doom 2, both Final Doom WAD folders, and my BFG wads folder (for the Doom 2 expansion). I use Brutal Doom in GZ Doom via a shortcut on the desktop for the Brutalv20b.PK3 in the Doom 2 folder and I set PK3 files to be able to be opened with GZ Doom.
All major Doom WADS have a Skins folder for the BD HUD which loads fine. The metal WAD didn't used to need the skins folder to run, but it does now. The Metal WAD only seemed to start acting up after I used SLADE on Brutal Doom to fix the error launching problem I spoke of in another topic. The music mod file is used in the Doom 2 folder and it is that skins folder I put it in. When I gave the code in the ini files stating to take it from the Doom 2 folder, I moved it out of the skins one via cut and paste.
When my attempts at fixing it on my own and via this help proved fruitless, I moved it back so I could at lest have it work until I found a better solution.
All of those folders are in Programs on the D Drive.