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Raze_Larian: Retail version
- limited to 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768 (the game itself can work in other than supported resolutions, but opening the main map can cause a crash, the frequency of which is system and resolution dependent)
+ full music score
+ slightly more bug fixes (I didn't have any serious issues playing the unpatched original disk version)
+ Glide support (in addition to Direct3D or Software rendering, which are the only 2 options with the download version)

Download version
+ widescreen and higher resolution support
- music issues seem to be relatively common
- slightly less bug fixes (relatively minor, IMNSHO, or there are alternate workarounds if encountered)
* Win98 support dropped, menu bar at bottom of screen can no longer be minimized to just 3 lines (not really an issue playing at higher resolutions, and it just caused problems with people right clicking the bar by accident and not knowing how to restore it).
thanks for that!
so no difference between GoG download version and Steam download version?
warpax: so no difference between GoG download version and Steam download version?
No, the versions are now identical. After the Steam / anthology version (1.006) was released, the previous GOG version (1.005) was replaced (that version was English only and did not officially support software rendering, though you could use the disk version config tool to switch from Direct3D to software).
Post edited February 18, 2013 by Raze_Larian
warpax: so no difference between GoG download version and Steam download version?
With the GoG version you get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside from supporting GoG and their anti-DRM stance, which you don't get when buying stuff from Steam.
Im confused.....
Ive beem playing the GoG version 1.5 since last year. Do i need to redownload the updated 1.6 GoG version?
It strange everytime i run the config tool its set on 1024x768 even tho ive changed the config div files manually to 1920x1200.
Achilleslastand: Do i need to redownload the updated 1.6 GoG version?
No, not unless you want support for languages other than English. That and a slightly better configuration tool (has an option for Software rendering in addition to Direct3D) are the main differences in 1.006 (Win9x support was also dropped and the toolbar interface on the bottom of the screen can no longer be minimized to 3 lines for health/mana/stamina).

Are you using the demo or disk version configuration tool? Either would display 1024x768 if an 'unsupported' resolution is listed in the config.div file. If you wanted to change the rendering method from Direct3D you would have needed to replace the 1.005 download version configuration program.
Post edited February 21, 2013 by Raze_Larian
Achilleslastand: Do i need to redownload the updated 1.6 GoG version?
Raze_Larian: No, not unless you want support for languages other than English. That and a slightly better configuration tool (has an option for Software rendering in addition to Direct3D) are the main differences in 1.006 (Win9x support was also dropped and the toolbar interface on the bottom of the screen can no longer be minimized to 3 lines for health/mana/stamina).

Are you using the demo or disk version configuration tool? Either would display 1024x768 if an 'unsupported' resolution is listed in the config.div file. If you wanted to change the rendering method from Direct3D you would have needed to replace the 1.005 download version configuration program.
Hi Raze, some feedback from the devs on the source code release? :)
If they need some additional "motivation" I could start a petition similiar to those one Freelancer, Fallout 2 ... ;)
Post edited February 21, 2013 by shaddim
So in the new config tool i assume its better to go with Direct 3D instead of Software for the rendering system?
And what about alpha bit what exactly does it do?
shaddim: some feedback from the devs on the source code release? :)
I have not heard anything.

Achilleslastand: So in the new config tool i assume its better to go with Direct 3D instead of Software for the rendering system?
And what about alpha bit what exactly does it do?
Direct3D is the better option, but some people have had either graphical problems or performance issues (in Win 8) which have been fixed by switching to Software mode.

The 'alpha bit' option is kind of a graphics compatibility mode, used for several different graphics problems if the video card does not support colour keying (which was pretty much just old or low end graphics cards when the disk version was originally released). By default it is unchecked IIRC, and you don't need to check it unless you have a problem that it ma help with (black boxes around objects, graphical artefacts, slow mouse cursor).
So I started playing Divine Divinity again... but I did it from an old backup I had. It's most likely not the latest, since it has crashed twice while playing on win7. What I'm wondering is... are the save games compatible between the latest version and what i have? i wouldn't want to start from scratch again, it's not the first time I've done this.
Some people have reported issues trying to load disk saves in the download version of the game, where that would either cause a crash, or it would load, but saving would be disabled. Saves started in the original unpatched disk version should be ok, and a couple people have played up to the Blessing Ceremony in the disk version of the game, and then replaced their inventory files with ones from one of my saves in order to be able to continue in the download version (that is the one place in the game you don't need to worry about missing quest items, etc, from replacing inventory files in the save folder).

AFAIK there shouldn't be a problem going from the previous GOG version (1.005) to the latest (1.006). One person started in the download version of the game and moved the save over to the disk version, but reported frequent crashes in Verdistis, which was not an issue if they started a new game in the disk version and went there.
Post edited February 24, 2013 by Raze_Larian
Thank you. I'll reinstall and cross fingers. My copy crashes from time to time and I'm not that deep in. I'd rather replay what I have on a stable copy than bumble through deeper into the game on an unstable version. I will backup my save and see if it works, if not, well... I might even change characters and start as a mage just to try something different.
El_Caz: Thank you. I'll reinstall and cross fingers. My copy crashes from time to time and I'm not that deep in.
I find the latest version on gog to be buggy at times but i bet its just the game. locks up indefinitely, mostly on loads or saves and the sound effects sometimes dont kick in for a 10-15 seconds after loading an area like going to bandit camp. played for probably 40 hours with only five or so lock ups so not a deal breaker.
sci_n_tist: I find the latest version on gog to be buggy at times but i bet its just the game. locks up indefinitely, mostly on loads or saves and the sound effects sometimes dont kick in for a 10-15 seconds after loading an area like going to bandit camp. played for probably 40 hours with only five or so lock ups so not a deal breaker.
I haven't had any issues. I used the old save game so didn't need to restart and saved it again with a new name so it' would save in the new version or whatever (don't know if that worked or not). The only bug I find is a KSHHHHT! sound the game makes from time to time. That and the feeling of being utterly lost and not really knowing what to do, but that's a user flaw, not a game flaw. I like open ended games, so I'm just strolling around, cleaning the map out of black fog and killing things.
El_Caz: The only bug I find is a KSHHHHT! sound the game makes from time to time.
Did you see the topics below, or similar?

Occasional audio hitches in Divine Divinity

Sound errors with static - maybe fix found!
Post edited March 28, 2013 by Raze_Larian
There is an update to fix the music bug (music not changing properly when moving between some regions, or certain pieces not playing, etc).

Until GOG releases an official patch (don't know if one is planned), you can download the updated files (div.exe, DivDialogSystem.dll, OsirisDLL.dll) from this Dropbox page and place them in the 'Divine Divinity' install folder. You can click on each of the files to download them individually, or there is a button at the top of the page to download them as a zip file, or add to your own Dropbox account (if you have one).

Here is an alternate download, in a 7-Zip .7z archive (915KB).