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Occasionally I'll browse a shop keeper's inventory for loot and immediately look for any expensive ones which may have good bonuses and extra skills etc. By doing a bit of reloading to find some interesting bits of loot (I never used to until I realised I'd played about 20 hours and not found one thing to buy), I've noticed a few times there will be very expensive items that seem to have very few bonus qualities if any to warrant the price, leading me to think certain items generated are bugged. Unfortunately CTRL+F11 to take screenshots hasn't worked for me so I've not got any examples to show you, but there have been some very expensive staffs for example that confer no extra damage bonuses or anything, yet are worth 11,000+, and I saw another item at 37K+ that was pretty basic and gave only a couple of bonuses. Should have been 4-5K max. It makes me wonder if other items are missing bonus stats they should have.
Has anyone else noticed this? Cheers.
If I remember correctly, I believe this is done on purpose. If you have a good idea of what something is worth, and a trader is asking twice the normal value, you shouldn't buy it at those high prices. Also note that when you are selling, you will always get less that what that item normally goes at when you're buying.
DeathKnight: If I remember correctly, I believe this is done on purpose. If you have a good idea of what something is worth, and a trader is asking twice the normal value, you shouldn't buy it at those high prices. Also note that when you are selling, you will always get less that what that item normally goes at when you're buying.

No I literally mean the items seem to be missing stats. For example, a weapon was called Priest's Mace (or something along those lines, actually it was probably armour). Was about 11K in value from a trader with near 100 attitude towards me, yet the item had zero bonus stats: it was literally a normal non-modified one. The priest part of the title should have given it a magic bonus I believe at least. Then there was a staff from the same guy worth $37K but only had a couple of bonus stats, as if it were missing a few bonus stats. The name of the item helps depict the bonuses you'd expect to see, and the value of the item is surely based upon the extra stats obviously. I can't see a reason why it would be a deliberate design decision for traders to spawn expensive items that have either none or very few bonuses. Makes no sense surely??
Like I said I tried taking screenshots in game but it didn't work so I can't show you any examples at the mo.
Post edited November 13, 2009 by Collie
actually it makes sense to me.
first, the "priests" "fiends" "bull" stuff is a category of stuff i think, often with very varying stats even for the exact same item. it may even be that there is a random stat generator, i don't know.
that said, in real life people often try to sell you crap that isn't worth it at all. go to the mall and visit BEBE or A&F if you don't believe me. want to pay $135 for a pair of pre-grass stained jeans that have holes and rips in them? hey, those muscular guys in flipflops and shorts are buying them them.
having totally stupid deals in the game adds verisimilitude, a HUGE part of why i love DD. other details too - like how a barrel can be Locked and you can easily smash it open. you might ask why even make locked barrels when you know that people can smash them? because it adds realism.
a friend of mine owned a few very expensive rifles. he kept them locked in a crappy $100 "safe" with walls made of sheet metal. unsurprisingly, someone broke in, peeled the door back with a screwdriver, and completely bypassed the puny lock.