Posted July 28, 2014

snickers knowingly.
Finally, I knocked down the other archer (which had dispatched the spider), Jahan froze the first archer, my sister killed it, and Madora moved in for the kill on the knocked down archer. My arrow found it's mark and the final archer went down permanently. Victory! and no deaths (other than our dear lamented spider ally).
We then explored the rest of the rainy woods and discovered the archeologist in an abandoned shack. We helped him back to Cyseal and received a small reward from the grateful Legionnaire captain. We celebrated our accomplishment at the King Crab Inn that evening with feast, drink and song.
The next morning we decided to head out into the woods one last time to see if there were any stragglers. We came across another group at the far end of the woods. Some archers, a priest and a couple other undead. The priest was felled quickly with a couple arrows and Jahan's lightning spell. The Wizard summoned her spider pet and it and Madora engaged the Clubber and Killers. Despite being a little hung over by the previous night's festivities, we ran them through quickly and with little trouble.
Now, we await the coming dawn when we will once again venture forth through the town's East gate to see how we fare against some of the creatures there. Plus there's the house by the garden we haven't fully explored yet.