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Have any of you found some cigarettes, i have played the game for more then 10 hours and not a single time have i found some.
I've just completed the game once and didn't find any.
krugos2: I've just completed the game once and didn't find any.
It looks like we are missing one person as i have looked up a guide on steam, the cigarettes are tied to unlocking this person and the achievement for unlocking all character did not pop but there is no more to unlock on the character selection screen.
Flamar: It looks like we are missing one person as i have looked up a guide on steam, the cigarettes are tied to unlocking this person and the achievement for unlocking all character did not pop but there is no more to unlock on the character selection screen.
That sucks, so once more we get a lesser version of a game here on GOG?
yes, i have found cigarettes

Post edited January 29, 2019 by zakharov01
zakharov01: yes, i have found cigarettes

Cool, I'm glad we didn't get an incomplete version of the game.
zakharov01: yes, i have found cigarettes

This looks to be the 5 cigarettes that comes with the character, did you find any from searching so that you can unlock Radj and not only find him in need of help.
no, I haven't found more cigarettes without him. I have also unlocked all characters today and the smoking guy isn't there.
WTF?!? So we can never even unlock the damned achievement, BESIDES getting a complete character cut off from the game?????

Well, that makes it easy for me to score the game, I suppose...
Post edited February 17, 2019 by Longshot11
So I'm confused. Are the cigarettes in the GOG version? The game is being considered for the second class citizens list, and knowing the game, I wouldn't be surprised if we're just missing it.
They added cigarettes and the character that was missing in a recent update :D
Yep, i can confirm!
I started new session and found one cigarette just in the first zone.

Thats cool!

Now it would be nice, if developers add missing achievement "Lucky ticket". And probably also this "ticket" items into game.

And then, game will be complete! :)

Btw... about these cigarettes, does anyone from this forum wrote to devs with request to add missing cigars?
Or was it devs own initiative?
P8j6: Btw... about these cigarettes, does anyone from this forum wrote to devs with request to add missing cigars?
Or was it devs own initiative?
i contacted gog support.
P8j6: Now it would be nice, if developers add missing achievement "Lucky ticket". And probably also this "ticket" items into game.

And then, game will be complete! :)
i hope they add that too.
high rated
Hey, just wanted to pop in and say, thanks for reporting this.
Issue should not be fixed in the latest patch.
LexRust: Hey, just wanted to pop in and say, thanks for reporting this.
Issue should not be fixed in the latest patch.
Hi, thanks for info!
Do you know if...and eventually when, the "lucky ticket" will addeed?