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Here's my wishlist for GOG team to fix to improve the gameplay experience.

- FPS fix (the game is not 30 fps steady and i don't think it's 60 fps for doors transition either)
- Wobbly texture when there is fast movement
- Missing textures at times
- during main entrance cutscene we can see a double of regina model on the main entrance door frame
- default keybinding need a change
- Escape can't be assigned on the key controls menu
- Minimizing the game can crash the game (maybe PC??)


- Texture filtering (to remove blur)
- GOG Overlay support
- subtitles (that would be appreciated by people myself included)
Post edited February 02, 2025 by MasterDarkseid
This happen when i was too close to a wall in elevator room b1 (the area you have access after getting the id card and the fingerprint data.

Was too close to a wall by the broken elevator and i got pushed though it.
dino.jpg (131 Kb)
MasterDarkseid: This happen when i was too close to a wall in elevator room b1 (the area you have access after getting the id card and the fingerprint data.

Was too close to a wall by the broken elevator and i got pushed though it.
You can add to your list of changes that the game does not like to be minimized. If you do this many times, it will become unresponsive in Task Manager.
You can turn texture filering on and off with F7 in Dino Crisis 1. They fixed the wobbly models in Dino Crisis 1 as much as they could, while there's no wobbly models in Dino Crisis 2 at all. I'm not sure WTF are you talking about when you say 60 fps door transition. It runs how it should. Capcom never made subtitles for any of these games, and GOG won't put subtitles in, since it's not theor game. If you don't like the base control input, change them for yourself and don't be lazy.
Post edited February 02, 2025 by Shocker650
Shocker650: You can turn texture filering on and off with F7 in Dino Crisis 1. They fixed the wobbly models in Dino Crisis 1 as much as they could, while there's no wobbly models in Dino Crisis 2 at all. I'm not sure WTF are you talking about when you say 60 fps door transition. It runs how it should. Capcom never made subtitles for any of these games, and GOG won't put subtitles in, since it's not theor game. If you don't like the base control input, change them for yourself and don't be lazy.
There's plenty of places like this in the game. It looks terrible. Disappearing texture objects.
Post edited February 02, 2025 by Jack_White_X
Shocker650: You can turn texture filering on and off with F7 in Dino Crisis 1. They fixed the wobbly models in Dino Crisis 1 as much as they could, while there's no wobbly models in Dino Crisis 2 at all. I'm not sure WTF are you talking about when you say 60 fps door transition. It runs how it should. Capcom never made subtitles for any of these games, and GOG won't put subtitles in, since it's not theor game. If you don't like the base control input, change them for yourself and don't be lazy.
Jack_White_X: There's plenty of places like this in the game. It looks terrible. Disappearing texture objects.
They heavily improved it compared to the original PC and PS versions. If this looks bad to you look at Resident Evil 3.
Post edited February 02, 2025 by Shocker650
Jack_White_X: There's plenty of places like this in the game. It looks terrible. Disappearing texture objects.
Shocker650: They heavily improved it compared to the original PC and PS versions. If this looks bad to you look at Resident Evil 3.
Bro no need to be aggressive!! besides you're blind, there's so much more fixes they can do. we are in 2025 little bro, early 2000 are far behind.

The door transitioning cutscene/loading is supposed to be in 60 fps here it's not. And the game isn't 30 fps either more like 25 with drops i'm not sure.

When you don't know you better say nothing. Play DC1 with gemini patch and see how smooth the game is because it's actually 30/60 fps. This is something that should be fix and can be fixed. Also the texture disappearing is also a fix that can be fixed.
MasterDarkseid: This happen when i was too close to a wall in elevator room b1 (the area you have access after getting the id card and the fingerprint data.

Was too close to a wall by the broken elevator and i got pushed though it.
Jack_White_X: You can add to your list of changes that the game does not like to be minimized. If you do this many times, it will become unresponsive in Task Manager.
I gotchu
Post edited February 02, 2025 by MasterDarkseid
Shocker650: They heavily improved it compared to the original PC and PS versions. If this looks bad to you look at Resident Evil 3.
MasterDarkseid: Bro no need to be aggressive!! besides you're blind, there's so much more fixes they can do. we are in 2025 little bro, early 2000 are far behind.

The door transitioning cutscene/loading is supposed to be in 60 fps here it's not. And the game isn't 30 fps either more like 25 with drops i'm not sure.

When you don't know you better say nothing. Play DC1 with gemini patch and see how smooth the game is because it's actually 30/60 fps. This is something that should be fix and can be fixed. Also the texture disappearing is also a fix that can be fixed.
Jack_White_X: You can add to your list of changes that the game does not like to be minimized. If you do this many times, it will become unresponsive in Task Manager.
MasterDarkseid: I gotchu
I don't know where did you got the idea that the door transition was ever 60 fps, when it wasn't. None of the games ever dropped frames when I played them. Even in the REbirth mod some of the textures are disappearing. They fixed most of it compared to the original version, so it's more than likely that it's not possible to improve it more.
-- Resolution For Dino Crisis 1, Dreamcast had 640x480 on this version cannot seem to Downscale to 320x240. This may or may not help with proper integer scaling.... Dino Crisis 2 seems to have proper scaling at 240p. *May help remove blur.

-- Dino Crisis Wallpaper and/or Desktop Theme
-- Manual as PDF
Post edited February 05, 2025 by rico001
MasterDarkseid: Bro no need to be aggressive!! besides you're blind, there's so much more fixes they can do. we are in 2025 little bro, early 2000 are far behind.

The door transitioning cutscene/loading is supposed to be in 60 fps here it's not. And the game isn't 30 fps either more like 25 with drops i'm not sure.

When you don't know you better say nothing. Play DC1 with gemini patch and see how smooth the game is because it's actually 30/60 fps. This is something that should be fix and can be fixed. Also the texture disappearing is also a fix that can be fixed.

I gotchu
Shocker650: I don't know where did you got the idea that the door transition was ever 60 fps, when it wasn't. None of the games ever dropped frames when I played them. Even in the REbirth mod some of the textures are disappearing. They fixed most of it compared to the original version, so it's more than likely that it's not possible to improve it more.
Gemini patch literally says that!!

In fact is easily tested in an emulator with FPS display. You will that door transition can go up to 60 FPS (iirc)

However during some testing, i noticed that the menuing is 60 FPS. The game FPS is capped at 30 but dip at 25 95% of the time. This can definitely be improved by GOG team.
Shocker650: I don't know where did you got the idea that the door transition was ever 60 fps, when it wasn't. None of the games ever dropped frames when I played them. Even in the REbirth mod some of the textures are disappearing. They fixed most of it compared to the original version, so it's more than likely that it's not possible to improve it more.
MasterDarkseid: Gemini patch literally says that!!

In fact is easily tested in an emulator with FPS display. You will that door transition can go up to 60 FPS (iirc)

However during some testing, i noticed that the menuing is 60 FPS. The game FPS is capped at 30 but dip at 25 95% of the time. This can definitely be improved by GOG team.
What's the point of having 60 fps door transitions if the rest of the game is 30 fps? Who cares then if the door transition is 60 or not? If the rest of the game runs at 30 than I rather have the door animations run on the same frame rate. If it's so important to you than play the emulated version.
Steady drop to 20 FPS after the cutscene with Rick when he tosses the coin. When Regina stands near the broken third energy effect I always have 20 FPS.

Стабильное падение до 20 FPS после катсцены с Rick когда он бросает монету. Когда Regina стоит возле сломанного эффекта третьей энергии у меня всегда 20 FPS.
Attention test. Another bug. When we get to the elevator, this model is gone. There are only three bodies in different clothes. I wonder where the soldier in the same clothes as the Regina team went? He lay on the cold metal, froze, got up and left. :)

Тест на внимательность. Очередной баг. Когда мы зайдём в лифт этой модели уже не будет. Там только 3-и тела в другой одежде. Интересно куда делся солдат в такой же одежде как из команды Regina? Полежал на холодном металле замёрз, встал и ушёл. :)
Also would be nice if they add vibration support to gamepads! For me it is very important!
Jack_White_X: Attention test. Another bug. When we get to the elevator, this model is gone. There are only three bodies in different clothes. I wonder where the soldier in the same clothes as the Regina team went? He lay on the cold metal, froze, got up and left. :)

Тест на внимательность. Очередной баг. Когда мы зайдём в лифт этой модели уже не будет. Там только 3-и тела в другой одежде. Интересно куда делся солдат в такой же одежде как из команды Regina? Полежал на холодном металле замёрз, встал и ушёл. :)
This happens in all versions of the game and is not unique to GOG. It's not a bug it was an optimisation choice made by Capcom to reuse Ricks body as it was already in the room. The resolution on PS1 was so low you'd likely not have noticed it, but on higher resolutions on PC you can.