TITLEplayer: Cloud saving is very important for me and many others. I'm wondering if there are plans for Diablo 1 to support it?
GrandMoffVixen: I just make a batch file that copies all my saves from the Diablo/DX folder to a Google Drive folder of my choosing. I still have to run said batch file, but it copies the exact files needed. So handy.
Yep, and totally reliable, if you remember to do it. The problem is, most "average" players would not do so, I suspect.
CLBrown: "Lol," huh? Riiiight.
You had to get snarky before reading the rest of my post, didn't you?
A script? You mean something that can be defeated by closing the EXE outside of the script? Can you imagine the volume of complaints about that?
You'd need a wrapper to implement this in a reliable, consistent way. It would be a simple wrapper... but it would be absolutely necessary.
Faenrir: No. Things don't become true just because you repeat them, you know.
And you made stupid points in your previous post...such as saying "there is no auto-save". Yep, there is.
Go play multiplayer...you never save yet your characters are autosaved ;)
So yeah...how hard would it be, huh ?
Fak, it could even be a separate program, with a launcher that would then launch the game.
Launch the shortcut that launches the cloud program...it checks wether your current saves are older or not (and if you have the cloud option), then proceeds to overwrite saves if needed either yours or the cloud's. Then it launches the game.
Tadaa. It could probably be done in 30 minutes.
But please, continue telling me a wrapper is necessary.
Without even explaining why you believe it is.
Even though it's not.
Simply because of the above.
To automate this process... you need a system which is "idiot proof." Which someone cannot forget to do, and which does the work for you (that's sort of the point of "cloud saves," isn't it? I mean, you could put your save game files onto a thumb drive and carry them from machine to machine, too... but you want it all to happen "automagically," right?)
So... you need something which is actually what you run every time you start the game, and which then runs the game EXE from within that "wrapper" EXE. The wrapper runs at all times, when the game is in use, but consumes little resources. However, when you start the game, you don't actually start the game EXE... you start the wrapper. Which does the tasks you just mentioned. Then, it starts the game EXE. When the game EXE tries to exit, the wrapper automatically saves the game state (not requiring manual saving, which despite your claims, is the ONLY way of saving Diablo (1) as most people play it!) It then automatically uploads the saved game state to the cloud server.
You are talking about the same steps... but you assume a "script" can make that happen reliably, for all end-users? Sorry, that's not the case. You can write a script to run Diablo and do all those things... or most, anyway... but it's trivial to exit the script before it's completed. With a "wrapper" approach, you would not have the potential to do so unless you accidentally power-off your machine instead of exiting the game.
A "wrapper" would be "idiot proof." A script? That's EASILY defeated, intentionally or accidentally, and would result in plenty of angry customers for GoG.
As for online saves... perhaps Battlenet games do save as you say... I don't know. But single player games, and LAN games, do not. That much I know for certain. And the new version of Diablo doesn't even support Battlenet at present, let's not forget.