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we are a group of 3 friends starting new chars on in diablo 1 classic, if you have never experienced team play in diablo it is great.

on discord we are called Quebec Warriors

Here is how to configure diablo classic for battle net best experience

GOG Diablo 1 check list
Step 1 : Network config
• Connect to you ISP modem
o Open a web browser
o In the address bar, enter
o Enter your user and password for your ISP Modem (normally admin and blank pass or 'admin' as password), normally written on the modem itself.
o Find settings or advanced mode->settings, then 'port forwarding' section(often under NAT configuration)
o Enter a port forwarding instruction for TCP_UDP on port 6112 to 6119
o Make sure this new entry is saved or active
• Test to see if you can log in to through Diablo 1 Classic
• If everything is configured correctly, you can now access in Diablo 1, create and join games. There should be no error message.
Step 2 : Getting the original 4:3 display experience on a 1080p monitor
Diablo 1 is best played in 4:3 resolution. The GOG version will always play it full screen, normally in 1920x1080. Here are a few steps to ensure you have no errors and that you can play in the original display for the best experience.
• Make sure you only activate 1 monitor with VGA or DVI connectors (no HDMI) and restart your computer.
• Open your NVIDIA or RADEON software and create a new graphic profile with a resolution of 1440x1080 :
o For example with an ATI RADEON, you must go to 'DISPLAY', 'GPU SCALING -> activate and select 'preserve aspect ratio'. Don't forget to replace 1920x1080 by 1440x1080 everywhere in the new configuration settings. Save the profile.

• Then, in Windows, right click on your desktop and open 'Display Settings'. If you have done the previous step correctly you will now be able to choose to put your screen resolution in 1440x1080, which is a full screen 4:3 display on a 1080p modern display.
• Now launch GOG version of Diablo click on 'VIDEO SETTINGS'. Choose the following settings. Other settings may achieve the same result.

You should be done and good to go. We are legit guild with no cheat and anti-duping policy. If you are a member, you can join our 3-4 players team raid and trades of legit items to improve your char.

Post edited March 20, 2022 by Alain243
Welcome to the forum :)

Just out of curiosity but have you tried running the game with DevilutionX? Besides making most of the mentioned workarounds unnecessary it also prevents most common cheats and gives a lot of flexibility on how you run the the game.
Post edited March 20, 2022 by Anders_Jenbo
Not to mention that some people can't forward their ports and assuming that config address is always going to be "" is bad (Hello from here xD)
Post edited March 20, 2022 by qndel
Anders_Jenbo: Welcome to the forum :)

Just out of curiosity but have you tried running the game with DevilutionX? Besides making most of the mentioned workarounds unnecessary it also prevents most common cheats and gives a lot of flexibility on how you run the the game.
Not interested, I play Original diablo on original bnet, this is why I've put 10 bucks on that
qndel: Not to mention that some people can't forward their ports and assuming that config address is always going to be "" is bad (Hello from here xD)
Ya, I have trouble with my friend who has a different ISP, I guess the router behind a router theory is the most likely cause of failure. With my modem and ISP it took 30 sec and I was good to go.

I met a player lvl 17 today, he was afraid of me. When I joined his game he quit bnet lol
Post edited March 21, 2022 by Alain243
Anders_Jenbo: Welcome to the forum :)

Just out of curiosity but have you tried running the game with DevilutionX? Besides making most of the mentioned workarounds unnecessary it also prevents most common cheats and gives a lot of flexibility on how you run the the game.
Alain243: Not interested, I play Original diablo on original bnet, this is why I've put 10 bucks on that
Ok, DevilutionX doesn't really change game-play if that is what you refer to and it requires the original so you won't have wasted 10 bucks either...

I'm not really able to join you on as that requires Windows, but good luck to you and your friends.
if router settings not high-security set up - it should be ok. Same for OS, ISP settings. If everything properly set - you goot to conenct and to host.
If you under NAT aka gray IP - you can only connect to existed hosting games.
QWEEDDYZ: if router settings not high-security set up - it should be ok. Same for OS, ISP settings. If everything properly set - you goot to conenct and to host.
If you under NAT aka gray IP - you can only connect to existed hosting games.
If you are referring to me then the issue isn't network settings, but that the original client doesn't render the menu.
sry im about "router-to-router" issue, whatever it mean. I first try to scare all of you with my english, but than wipe entire and post that.

Shouldnt be any port forwarding issues. and no any game require port forwarding. This is not application related issues, if there is any one. Port should be opened automatically if there is no restrictions do that by router or security software settings.