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I wrote two Lutris scripts to install "automagically" Diablo Gog edition on Linux.

First install Lutris:

then go to the Lutris Diablo page:

and click "install" at one of this script name:

- Linux GOG + Devilutionx Linux 64 bits
for an original Diablo playing experience
- Wine GOG + Tchernobog version
for an advanced playing experience: widescreen, multiplayer
To find others players for online games, ask on Discord:

I will try to maintain this two scripts, so you can send me questions or report issue to my github Lutris scripts page:
Post edited August 04, 2019 by legluondunet
What's the point of using DevilutionX's Windows version via wine if you can use a native version?
For the moment the win32 version is more stable. But soon this script could be replace by a native one.
Soon but not today:
So you use wine to avoid lib32? That seems overkill.
Please note that the subject of this discussion is only about testing this 2 scripts, nothing else..
Post edited May 18, 2019 by legluondunet
I get the following error: "I can't move /home/jeff/.cache/lutris/installer/diablo/drive_c/GOG Games/Diablo/DIABDAT.MPQ, it does not exist"
Hello Jljhaamans, I need this info:
- distribution name and version? 64bits?
- script you tried (devilutionX? Tchernobog?)
- wine version?
Post edited May 19, 2019 by legluondunet
just to give you a status on DevilutionX for native 64bit :) Almost everything works, except:
- save games are not compatible with 32bit
- chat memory is handled as 32bit and can lead to crashes at start up (list.h line 94)
- moving gold or items in the belt will convert the item to a broken random item (cleaning CheckInvPaste should fix it)

Once that is fixed we will start to release 64bit builds

The code is now 96% identical with the original so we are also getting close to the point where we will start focusing on improving the engine it self.
Anders_Jenbo: just to give you a status on DevilutionX for native 64bit :) Almost everything works, except:
- save games are not compatible with 32bit
- chat memory is handled as 32bit and can lead to crashes at start up (list.h line 94)
- moving gold or items in the belt will convert the item to a broken random item (cleaning CheckInvPaste should fix it)

Once that is fixed we will start to release 64bit builds

The code is now 96% identical with the original so we are also getting close to the point where we will start focusing on improving the engine it self.
Hello Anders, thank you for this news, I follow DevilutionX development very closely, I'm happy to see your project progress quickly.
As soon as the 64 bits Linux native port will be enough stable to use it, I will wrote a script on Lutris.
I will need to find a solution to distribute it on different Linux distribution without have to deal with dependencies, perhaps I will have to compile a static version or something like this.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by legluondunet
Anders_Jenbo: just to give you a status on DevilutionX for native 64bit :) Almost everything works, except:
- save games are not compatible with 32bit
- chat memory is handled as 32bit and can lead to crashes at start up (list.h line 94)
- moving gold or items in the belt will convert the item to a broken random item (cleaning CheckInvPaste should fix it)

Once that is fixed we will start to release 64bit builds

The code is now 96% identical with the original so we are also getting close to the point where we will start focusing on improving the engine it self.
legluondunet: Hello Anders, thank you for this news, I follow DevilutionX developpement very closely, I'm happy to see your project progress quickly.
As soon as the 64 bits Linux native port will be enough stable to use it, I will wrote a script on Lutris.
I think I will need to find a solution to disribute it on different Linux distribution without have to deal with dependencies, perrhap's I will have to compile a static version or something like this.
there are only two requirements for the release builds, SDL (mixer and ttf) and libc. I think you can safely assume that the system has libc, if there isn't a way to speechify Linux dependencies in Lutris then maybe shipping SDL would be an option, I believe it also has very few hard dependencies (libz and libc afaik).