No. You should be able to load your most recent game if you are in single player, or restart in town if you are in multiplayer. For the latter, your items are in the dungeon where you died. If you are lucky or careful, you can get them back. Your experience, attributes, and spells, are retained.
Gallienus53: I believe I should be able to get the items back, however, as I said my only option is to Restart with the character. All experience i.e. levels, spells etc., are lost. If I die at level 3 then I must refight all levels to get back to level 3 with a completely new character. In actual practice, nothing is saved.
This appears to be a major bug in the GOG version of the game making it completely worthless. Even if I have a level 99 character, 1 death and I'm back to level 1 with no stuff and no experience. That's how it works.
What I like to know is "is there some file I can edit to change this?" The diable.config has nothing.
There is pratically no difference between the GOG and the original, in fact it is the original 1.09 exe with some sligh hex edits and a coupple of dll wrappers.
I would say there are two options for what you are experiencing (since you didn't make it clear if you are playing multiplayer or single player),
A: You are playing single player and are forgetting to manually save your progress as you play.
B: Your user does not have write access to the save game folder.
B could be solved by using or changing your access levels in Windows.