QWEEDDYZ: Again. Exactly - this is differ code. Not improved. That what remakes was. Especially open-source. Differ ai for enemy\npc. And after about decade old bugs become features. Thats axiom as well, for any free remakes.
It still must-try. But that NOT a solution to problems with original game, because this IS NOT a original game.
Again, understand what "open-source" and "free remakes" means before suggesting it to everyone in every thread for every games. We are on GOG after all, for old games.
Usually ppl suggest new installments in the series. Just because it new and "improved". Suggesting remake just because it exist - same thing like suggesting new games. It optional and not must-have.
And now, back to topic
qndel: Yup. All you have to do is drag & drop diabdat.mpq into the folder or to %appdata%/diasurgical/devilution if you want to avoid ever having to copy/paste diabdat.mpq again for future devilutionx versions as they all read it from that place
QWEEDDYZ: Ta-dam! He need to install Diablo first to copy-paste diabdat.mpq. You still say that your+NicolayPopov suggestion is not off-topic here? Exactly in this thread?
AI is the same, everything is the same except bugfixes. Unless you consider stuff like "monster hit chance/armor wrapping around in nightmare/hell so it's lower than it should be" A MUST HAVE VANILLA EXPERIENCE ... This is the original code, just polished and improved ... Love when people that have 0 clue are the loudest. Oh well.
"Ta-dam! He need to install Diablo first to copy-paste diabdat.mpq."
Not true again. You can copy diabdat.mpq straight from iso/cd/whatever or extract it from gog's installer.
Like what is your problem now? That we require the user to provide the file that contains all game assets and is kind of the only way to verify that the user owns the game? ...