CFM: Sweet! That would be awesome. Hopefully them dudes over at Blizzard are thinking that perhaps D4 should be like D2.
Quick question:
In D2R, how characters can be created and stored with one account?
Vaccinated76: You mean your Blizzard account?
I currently have five characters running. That's SP.
Evidently MP is all fucked to hell, so I don't know about that.
I should've been clearer. When you purchase D2R from Blizzard for $39.99, I'm guessing you can have only have so many multi-player characters saved on their servers, before you'd have to spend another $39.99 to have more multi-player characters. I was curious as to what that limit was, if any.
Like CymTyr, I too plan on having mules!
I'm also remembering that in the old D2, you had to load a multi-player character once every three months or it would be deleted from their servers. I'm curious if that too is the case for D2R?