adenocaulon: I have been playing the mod and I appreciate the quality of life improvements: especially the zoom in/out function, being able to see objects with alt or ctrl, or the grid merchants shops.
However I have a problem with the regenerating health of mobs and bosses, this totally change the balance of the game and it feels it is intended to grind more even in normal difficulty. Other issue is the range of enemy archers, that is clearly beyond the original field of view.
I wonder if you know a mod that have some of these improvements, especially the resolution options, but mantain the original balance of the game.
Devilutionx only erases the black bands of 4:3 ratio at 16:9 but not zoom out function; I see no other improvements yet besides being able to change gameplay speed (which is great)
Devilutionx lets you change resolution, if you do that, you see more of the game, so you can achieve the same effect as zooming out in belzebub