Greenboy16: I tried to install the Revision Mod for Deus Ex GOTY Edition, but Kaspersky said, that the revision.exe is a virus. I already tried to put it to the exception list in kaspersky, but it doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone have the same problem and do you know how to fix this?
Rest assured, it's not contaminated by virus.
As to how to make Karspersky allow you to install Revision, I cannot say, sorry.
This is not the AV that I use.
Isn't there a way to temporarily disable it?
So you could run the setup normally, and after that you could enable the anti virus again.
If you have another machine, or someone else that is willing to share the machine with you, install the game there, copy the folder, and paste it, in your games folder. This doesn't works for all games, though, so don't get too hopeful.
Good luck, pal.