rjbuffchix: GOG Galaxy 1 can be and has been used as DRM for many, many games here. It's not something to prop up as a customer-friendly feature unless that ever changes, which is highly unlikely. Other than that I agree with your sentiment. I did not know that about Galaxy 2 re: DOS. Addition/bloat of cloud saves/Galaxy features (for 1) have already made it so I do not download updated installers for those DOS games since I know the ones I have *just work* without adding in clients and internet. Which is supposed to be the point of DRM-free.
True, Trust me you stave off the up(down)grade as much as you can.
Unlike most here I type off the top of my head believe it or not (probably because that part of my brain got killed, Really not my fault)
At least tonight I'm not in
YET so yeah If you need a PM I'm here!
fr33kSh0w2012: Oh gee... Should we all hold our breathe? /Sarcasm
Randalator: Would you prefer they don't fix it?
No, Actually i'd prefer if they fixed it before putting it up for sale.