mothwentbad: Trying to build a win streak when you can't just be like, "lol oops that doesn't count" can be neat. Also, having choices limited in one way but with the potential to roll something otherwise impossible adds a little novelty. I don't have delusions of trying to win #1 Best Player Evar, though.
micktiegs_8: I don't save scum even if I have the option... in any game. So when I play any game, I do so in an Iron Man fashion. The ability to show other people how good or bad I played just doesn't reach my interest; it has nothing to do with 'hey, look at where I am on the Leaderboard'.... or 'check out the size of my e-penis' bragging. :3
Each to their own I suppose.
The more I think about it, the more I wouldn't mind having an unlimited "practice DERP" mode. They just need to tweak the rewards until it's not exploitable. Of course, more work would need to go into it than just that to actually implement such a mode. But the random-generated challenge with the weirdly different item preps (at no cost to you!) is a little different from hitting the "random" button, because of the item prep changes and because I think DERP uses Hard level only. They could reduce scumming by using a seed to generate your kingdom's artificial DERPs, and the reward could be something like 50g for a win and another 50 or 100 or whatever for completing 3, 5, 10, etc. To keep it interesting, you have to win before you can move on to the next random-seeded choice.