Keiyentai: I have both GOG versions and it is C:\GOG Games\Democracy 3 and then when I install Africa is adds a folder called Democracy 3 - Africa and doesn't see them. Should I just take the files in the Africa folder and put them in the default?
Roses_R_Red: This is the same question that I have. I just re-installed Democracy 3 Africa through GOG Galaxy to the game folder for Democracy 3 with all of the DLC. I may try to take all of the files and put them in manually and see if it works.
Right, so it took me a lot of fumbling about but I somehow managed to get it to work.
Basically, you have to install DM3:A directly into your "/GOG Games/democracy 3" folder. If you do "/GOG Games/democracy 3/Democracy 3 - Africa" it will not work. I did it through the offline installers of course, as I don't have GOG Galaxy. I originally tried to copy the data files into the Democracy 3 - Africa folder, but this just caused the game to crash on the second turn. I advise not doing this unless you're magic.
Although - and I don't know if this is my own personal problem - the only way I could bypass the second turn crash was to load up an autosave, quit to the main menu, and then start up a new game. DM3 itself works fine though, even with DM3:A in the folder (DM3:A has its own data folder).