Doagatra.909: I couldn't agree more about the rebindable keys, I hate having to cramp my hand on WASD set ups I much prefere TFGH. I have tried feeding and hugging the Elk as much as I can, but it just runs off when enemies come close. Apprently it can also kick open jammed doors inside ruins, but the few it can enter I found the Elk just gets stuck on the walls.
UhuruNUru: WASD is what I always use, for me the worst thing is the crouch, being on Ctrl, my hands are to small to reach that key while using WASD,
I must rebind to C.
Also Shift as sprint, is a must, as Alt is very awkward, but manageable for the rarely used walk, where quick reactions are not as vital.
Now individual users can always use AutoHotKey, but that requires they can write scripts for the program
AutoHotkey AutoHotKey Guides
Hotkeys - Definition & Usage - AutoHotKey List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick) - AutoHotKey Here's a basic script, I wrote
Decay of Logos.AHK Note I've not got far enough in the game, to test the Mouse Thumb Button 1 Rebind for F+R keys works.
A Semi-colon " ; " is used to make the rest of a line a comment, and can comment out everything if placed at the at the start of a line.
The script ensures the game must have active window focus for the binds to work, allowing Alt Tabbing out to revert to the normal keyboard, adding new binds should be done after the suspend off instruction
The basic Format is {New Key Bind}::{Old Key Bind}
For the WASD to TFGH you mention this would work.
Though not strictly always necessary, in this instance F needs a rebind if you want it for movement, so adding the reverse binds is good practice, and then if you need to rebind WASD to another function you just replace the other key; also comments will make it much easier to understand what you did, for others, and yourself months later.
t::w ; Rebind Forward (W Key) to No Function (T Key)
w::t ; Rebind No Function (T Key) to Forward (W Key) - No in game function, enables T Key press (Using W, or replace this with desired key eg x::t) if future usage required
f::a ; Rebind Left (A Key) to Guard/Parry (F Key)
j::f ; Rebind Guard/Parry (F Key) to No Function (J Key) - Moves Guard Parry to equivalent location, to the right of movement keys
u::r ; Rebind Magicae (R Key) to No Function (U Key) - Moves Magicae to equivalent location, to the right of movement keys
g::s ; Rebind Backward (S Key) to No Function (G Key)
s::g ; Rebind No Function (G Key) to Backward (S Key) - No in game function, enables G Key press (Using S, or replace this with desired key eg x::g) if future usage required
h::d ; Rebind Right (D Key) to No Function (H Key)
d::h ; Rebind No Function (H Key) to Right (D Key) - No in game function, enables T Key press (Using W, or replace this with desired key eg x::h) if future usage required
So that gives you a shifted layout to cut and paste in, note I used two tab presses (→→) to help in understanding the script, but GOG forum formatting removes them, I recommend you add them back in.
Walk Sprint, and Crouch/Slide, are in the table, and can be easily adjusted if you wish, just remember first key is what you want, second key is what game uses. yyou could also shift the number keys along to "4 to 7" if you wanted.
Well I've virtually written the script, by writing the above, so I've made what seem reasonable key choices, for one handed use around the TFGH setup, and commented out the untested thumb mouse button,
Decay of Logos - TFGH Setup.AHK You need to install AutoHotKey to use it, obviously, and I'll just point out this is the first AutoHotKey script, I've ever written.
Well my original was, the TFGH setup is technically the second
I've tried AutoHotKey programs in the past and found they either don't work or are to much trouble to bother with. I tend to just accept the default controls if no other options are presented. Thanks for the guide lines tho, it maybe worth trying it again however.