Cullen12: So, is this game story heavy, or is it just an onslaught of melee combat with a few bits of story offered in cinematic cut-scenes? Because it seems like it might be fun to try. Disclaimer: I tend to prefer games that rely on story (even if those games are also combat heavy). Of course, I enjoy combat, I just want to know what this one is all about.
I would definitely say you want to give this one a try then. This game is heavily based on its off-kilter characters and great story that develops through the game. While the game is polarizing (you'll either love it or hate it), I really enjoyed the world and characters enough to play all the way through the game and I really enjoyed myself.
Also, since this more or less based off of the PS3 version of the game, the combat's alot better than what was present with the tank controls in the 360 version. They're all good versions of the game, so have at it with any of the versions (PS3, 360, or PC) and see if it clicks with you.