murchu27: Struggling Manjaro user here. I followed all the steps in this thread (thanks to @RawSteelUT @Coldstate and @torham for their recommendations), but still no dice.
I'm definitely a bit closer - when xboxdrv is running, "Controller" shows up in the options menu, and it doesn't when xboxdrv isn't running. Sadly, the game still doesn't seem to detect any input from it...
Any other ideas what I could try?
The help I used: it references the following Reddit Post, which includes xboxdrv help:
I created a bash script - in the same dir as - that tests which controller I have attached and does all
the setup and is sourced by the
|# Initialization
|CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
|cd "${CURRENT_DIR}"
|source # added
|source support/gog_com.shlib
best to
$ chmod u+x