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Sturmgewehr: Doesn't work here on GTX 650Ti , 310.90 drivers. The same flickering problem. That sucks, because I don't want to roll back my drivers..and it's such a great game!
Does the same problem happen in windowed mode? To set windowed mode add -32bit -window to the end of the shortcut target.
Arkose: Does the same problem happen in windowed mode? To set windowed mode add -32bit -window to the end of the shortcut target.
Unfortunately it still does not work.
I get graphic errors and I have a few years olde ATI video card. It use to run perfect, now it has graphic problems. Strange that the newer ATI video drivers worked, but all of a sudden it doesn't with their newest ones. I'm not technical enough to understand that, but I find it sooo odd.

I don't fancy downloading anything extra at the moment or uninstalling my drivers just to make the game work properly. Ho-hum, maybe a simple fix will sprout out one day.
Kadlin: Strange that the newer ATI video drivers worked, but all of a sudden it doesn't with their newest ones. I'm not technical enough to understand that, but I find it sooo odd.
ATI & NVIDIA routinely break old games when they update their drivers. They're only concerned with getting an extra FPS or two out of the latest AAA title.
Gydion: ATI & NVIDIA routinely break old games when they update their drivers. They're only concerned with getting an extra FPS or two out of the latest AAA title.
Yeah, I suppose so, always destroying olde things to make way for the new, no change in thinking there for humankind. I actually never update my drivers, cause it's not needed to me, just at the time I re-installed Windows 7, so with that I used the newest driver. Guess it was a mistake! Ho-hum.
it's a problem present in windows xp or even with windows 7?


I was thinking: someone have writed down this glitch in the nvidia forum? Programmers soon read and comment and fix glitches if people make them notice it.
Post edited October 28, 2013 by micartu
Sturmgewehr: Doesn't work here on GTX 650Ti , 310.90 drivers. The same flickering problem. That sucks, because I don't want to roll back my drivers..and it's such a great game!
Arkose: Does the same problem happen in windowed mode? To set windowed mode add -32bit -window to the end of the shortcut target.
I tested in windowed mode and 32bit, it still flickers. I'm running the latest, Nvidia drivers. This problem is going to persist for this title. The same issue occurs, for gamersgate released version too.
Just a heads up, according to a post on the general forums, the newest AMD driver fixes the graphical anomalies in this game.
Leucius: Just a heads up, according to a post on the general forums, the newest AMD driver fixes the graphical anomalies in this game.
If you're referring to the 13.12 one - it doesn't, unfortunately. I keep experiencing severe graphical glitches.
According to GOG support, the only known fix is to roll back to Catalyst 13.1, which is hardly convenient.
Leucius: Just a heads up, according to a post on the general forums, the newest AMD driver fixes the graphical anomalies in this game.
Phaidox: If you're referring to the 13.12 one - it doesn't, unfortunately. I keep experiencing severe graphical glitches.
According to GOG support, the only known fix is to roll back to Catalyst 13.1, which is hardly convenient.
Ah.... Sorry. Was going by word of mouth.
I wonder if I am having the same issue. For me the graphics were distorted quite a bit, but now it just seems that it's rendering objects invisible whenever it thinks they should be, so walls, objects, fences, people, body parts, etc just go 'blip'.

I'm using Catalyst 13.9, if I change it to 13.1 would that fix my problem too?
rtcvb32: I wonder if I am having the same issue. For me the graphics were distorted quite a bit, but now it just seems that it's rendering objects invisible whenever it thinks they should be, so walls, objects, fences, people, body parts, etc just go 'blip'.

I'm using Catalyst 13.9, if I change it to 13.1 would that fix my problem too?
These are precisely the glitches I was referring to, rolling back to v13.1 should help.
Installing such an old driver is not an option for me, unfortunately. Rats.
Phaidox: These are precisely the glitches I was referring to, rolling back to v13.1 should help.
Installing such an old driver is not an option for me, unfortunately. Rats.
At least we're on the same page. Some of the earlier playing of the game it appeared the transparency and what was in the forefront was off, so much that if you circle my thief with her quiver you'll see it warping around her quite oddly, and the textures of objects going through to the back wall and other such weirdness. It's bad enough I'm tempted to play the PSX version again, although it seems it's missing quite a bit and has less camera and graphical control.

I can try 13.1, downloaded it already, I just hope nothing relies on the newer versions of the drivers.

Let's hope upcoming versions fix the glitches, or better yet, whoever owns the game can get the sources recompiled and add just a little more compatibility code for newer cards and GPU's.
Uninstalling and re-installing the catalyst software is a pain, however it did appear to do the job. If i have any troubles i may end up upgrading, but until then maybe i can play this a bit.
rtcvb32: Uninstalling and re-installing the catalyst software is a pain, however it did appear to do the job. If i have any troubles i may end up upgrading, but until then maybe i can play this a bit.
I'm wondering if there's a way to make Darkstone work correctly by simply replacing certain *.dll files here and there...
It's such a shame it wasn't a Glide-compatible release, installing nGlide would do the trick.
Post edited January 16, 2014 by Phaidox