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The game works like a charm on my MacBook 2007 using a Intel GMA integrated video chip, on WinXP SP3 32Bit (for some reason Win7 SP1 refused to install)

I got the suggestion of support to try out an older driver.
This does work with my original copy System Shock 2 with all patched applied, if you choose an ancient (2004) driver.

However, this is not the way to go for "newly" released software. Please GoG, get together with the company thal facilitated this sale and patch it so it will work on our systems with up-to date drivers. That's the whole point of releasing it without DRM and compatible with "a modern OS", although I must admit 2002 (WinXP) can hardly be called modern anymore...

In spite of that, you should have tested this on a WinXP/ nVidia rig because there are still lots of them around. raae with Win7 on another GPU reports the same problems. Go ahead and fix it already.
Post edited April 30, 2012 by jorlin
Hi again!

I received an email from gog support with the idea to revert to an older driver, so I tried.
280.26 works fine, (and thats not that ancient) no flickering, no problems.

Only missing the resloution change option, the game looks ugly on my 16:9 monitior,
but I can play at least :D
Wharyoo: Hi again!

I received an email from gog support with the idea to revert to an older driver, so I tried.
280.26 works fine, (and thats not that ancient) no flickering, no problems.

Only missing the resloution change option, the game looks ugly on my 16:9 monitior,
but I can play at least :D
I've got the same suggestion from support.
I mostly delete older versions, except an ancient one that I keep around just for playing System Shock 2...
I'll try the 280.26 driver that you suggested.
I still stand by my opinion. GoG should have tested it better before releasing it.
Post edited May 04, 2012 by jorlin
Is there no other available workaround beyond rolling back to nine month old driver? I attempted to contact gog support, but a hiccup occurred with my dxdiag report, and had to resend it manually. I never received correspondence after. Guess, I'll try the roll back option, if the latest most updated Nvidia driver still has the issue. Does Darkstone not have a ini for some kind of configuration file? I've been unable to play this game since gog released it.
This is the second game in a row that I have purchased from GoG that is essentially unplayable on my system. I am miffed that I have to attempt to take care of this myself. How does one roll back that Nvidia driver?
rafder: This is the second game in a row that I have purchased from GoG that is essentially unplayable on my system. I am miffed that I have to attempt to take care of this myself. How does one roll back that Nvidia driver?
Essentially a rollback is a clean installation of old drivers. You'll need to uninstall your current drivers, then install the ones listed by other posters. Do not install the old drivers over your new ones, may cause complications. I've not tested it personally, on my gaming rig. I have the game running on a old AMD athlon system with a nvidia 6200 256mb card. Seems like the 280.26 drivers will work though. Thankfully GPU installations are extremely simple. Good luck with the roll back.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, when I try to install the older driver I get a "driver incompatible with operating system" (w/XP?!?!?) or "unable to install fully" message. I am getting more aggravated with each restart, so I had best let it alone for now. I may just ask for GoG for a refund, because this really is unacceptable.
- RM
rafder: This is the second game in a row that I have purchased from GoG that is essentially unplayable on my system. I am miffed that I have to attempt to take care of this myself. How does one roll back that Nvidia driver?
chadthesad: Essentially a rollback is a clean installation of old drivers. You'll need to uninstall your current drivers, then install the ones listed by other posters. Do not install the old drivers over your new ones, may cause complications. I've not tested it personally, on my gaming rig. I have the game running on a old AMD athlon system with a nvidia 6200 256mb card. Seems like the 280.26 drivers will work though. Thankfully GPU installations are extremely simple. Good luck with the roll back.
I've got solution guys ;) Monitor is flickering, because the game is running too fast. You need to slow it, so when you are at menu just click and hold ,,print screen" button. The text will show on and you will easy run the game ;)
Well they just put it on special for today as a hidden gem (60% off, $2.39) so I expect to see some others with NVIDIA cards/drivers posting in this thread soon.
Post edited July 25, 2012 by silveri
Same Flickering Screen as mentioned by others. Win XP PRO, GeForce GTX 560 Ti, PHENOM 9750 QUAD, 2 gig RAM

Game is completely UNPLAYABLE!

Not happy with GOG on this one at all . . .
yeap good old nvideia graphics cards
rolling back the driver did seam to work
I was just testing the game out and had the same problem. I can't be bothered to roll back my drivers, so hopefully this problem will be sorted out by the time I get to playing it. :/
Me too :(

Win XP 32 bit
AMD X2 4800+
Nvidia 9600 GT 512 MB

Flicker, flicker, fix it quicker (please).
As with (too many) other games released by GOG, they do not include in the game description that it will not work on many systems. This has been a problem since I joined GOG. At least Steam includes system requirements with each game, and if they don't write Windows 7 or Vista, then you know you're buying it on your own risk. A good enough service I wold say.
I was about to buy this game today, as it was on sale, when I read -- by chance -- on the forum page for Soulbringer, another faulty game, that this game too had some severe problems. No I will wait a couple of years and check back then to see if they have fixed it.
alvorsam: As with (too many) other games released by GOG, they do not include in the game description that it will not work on many systems.
This is EXACTLY why you go to the game's forum and see which crippling problems have six or more topics full of people screaming for blood, and skim through them to see if your setup is one of the unlucky few.

Ha ha ha, I didn't do that before buying the game ten minutes ago. Three bucks is three bucks. I consider it a rap across the knuckles from a bony old cyber-nun, because I not only should know better, I do know better.

Nevertheless, needs to knock it off with this "version 1.0 syndrome" rubbish. When you're stripping the DRM off a game a decade old, why not push back the street date 24 hours or so to see if, you know, it works. When your business is selling $6 games, owners of XP+nVidia rigs aren't exactly a tiresome and expendable minority of the overall customer base.

(And save the "not everybody blah blah" speech, rabid gamers. It works on your setup? Here's a cookie. It's supposed to work. And "roll back your drivers" isn't a fix, it's a white flag with WE SCREWED UP AGAIN printed on it in big block letters.)