Posted December 28, 2019
- A public apology from Adam Badowski for the whole gender debacle surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, with an assurance to stop pushing of a transnormative agenda and other identity politics.
- The immediate sacking of CDPR's community managers on the CDPR and Steam forums, with an apology for trying to suppress critical questions about their games and an assurance never to do so again.
- The complete makeover for Galaxy 2.0 to be much less privacy invasive.
- A public apology for the firing and smearing Sean 'Linko' Halliday, and an immediate offer for him to retun to his job or to pay damages.
- A public apology for ever hiring 'Outstar' Walker, and an assurance that neither she nor anyone like her will ever again be offered a position or given the right to make official statements for CDP and their daughter companies.
- The retraction of the apology made by the Cyberpunk 2077 twitter on 21 August 2018 for faux offending faux people with a joke.
- The retraction of the apology made by the GOG twitter on 23 October 2018 for faux offending faux people with a joke.
It's only entitlement when other people do it, eh?

That is what you asked after all:
So, do you have an updated list of things that would need to happen?
And, as I said:
Like I said, this is just off the top of my head, so I'm sure this is not exhaustive. But that doesn't really matter. These points are not set in stone, and I'm willing to negotiate some of them. Much, much more important is that I want it to be made clear that CDP realizes what it's doing and has done is wrong, that they regret this and they will try to do better in future.
So, next time, first try reading, and then try thinking, and only after that consider posting. That way, you don't end up with egg all over your face, when you try to trap someone else in their own words... Oh, and belated merry Xmas and happy New Year, you dumbass xD
Post edited December 28, 2019 by lace_gardenia