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ast486: It's kind of odd how one person has tons of crashes and another on the same setup has none. :-o
Two setups are rarely identical though. Even if by any chance the Hardware is completely identical (not just on the first look, RAM speed and CL aren't always compared for example and the PSU is also regulary ignored when comparing two systems) and all drivers are on the same version there can still be massive diferences caused by settings in either the OS or even the BIOS not to mention obscure software imcompatibilities or faulty installations (of drivers or Updates, Windows Updates are a main offender for this on W10 causing massive slowdowns once and freezes another time until they were removed and resinstalled just as an example from personal experience).
ast486: I know they'd had some setbacks lately.
I'm still hoping they get one out, cause I'm still getting CTD's.

What you guys think?

Sadly patch delayed till second half of March
ast486: It's kind of odd how one person has tons of crashes and another on the same setup has none. :-o
JinKazaragi: Two setups are rarely identical though. Even if by any chance the Hardware is completely identical (not just on the first look, RAM speed and CL aren't always compared for example and the PSU is also regulary ignored when comparing two systems) and all drivers are on the same version there can still be massive diferences caused by settings in either the OS or even the BIOS not to mention obscure software imcompatibilities or faulty installations (of drivers or Updates, Windows Updates are a main offender for this on W10 causing massive slowdowns once and freezes another time until they were removed and resinstalled just as an example from personal experience).
yeah there are a lot of possibilities.

Incidentally I ran that system scan and restore command; no corrupted files.
ast486: I know they'd had some setbacks lately.
I'm still hoping they get one out, cause I'm still getting CTD's.

What you guys think?

Sadly patch delayed till second half of March
ARG.... that sucks.
Well better late then too soon.

Thanks for the info.
Link doesn't work btw.
Shortening it to this works though:
Post edited February 25, 2021 by ast486
ast486: Well better late then too soon.
I think after the launch troubles everyone and their grandma agrees to this.
ast486: Well better late then too soon.
frogthroat: I think after the launch troubles everyone and their grandma agrees to this.
LoL.... yeah....
frogthroat: I think after the launch troubles everyone and their grandma agrees to this.
ast486: LoL.... yeah....
When I have CTDs in a game I try to find a patern, hoping that maybe it will lead me to a solution. There is no data or history of this working for me, but just my own blind hope. If for example a game always crashes after 2 hours, I would guess maybe a memory leak because of the poor history of Bethesda games lazy developers.

If it is truly random, and it does not matter what "area" in the game you are in, or what you are doing (looting, combat, walking around with many NPCs on the screen) then maybe it's just another bug?

I remember when trying to fix the crash bug in GTA V I was checking my hardware because my PC was brand new. One person in a forum figured out that in certain instances (for whatever reason) their computer was switching the graphics from being "drawn" by the GPU over to the CPU. So he said he turned off the CPUs little graphics chip thingy in Windows, so the game would use his GPU only. Worked fine after that apparently.

For me it was simply having two monitors. Everything was brand new, nothing but Win 10 and the Rockstar launcher installed, but the game would crash every single time when using the Rockstar launcher. Finally I randomly unplugged one of my monitors (do not remember why) and the game ran perfectly fine. So GTA V or the Rockstar launcher couldn't handle more than one monitor for some reason.

Random weirdness sometimes. :/
Post edited March 01, 2021 by GorgieGAWG