Gersen: Just by curiosity what is your hardware ? I ask because even though I had multiple glitches I never had any CTD in nearly 50 hours, the worse I had was the depth of field being blocked and everything being blurry until I restarted the game (and it only happen once) so I am curious what can cause the difference between peoples reporting frequent CTD and those who don't. If it's purely an hardware issue (i.e. graphic card overheat) or if it's a memory leak issue (I have 64GB of ram so if it's a memory leak it could explain while I never experienced a CTD)
It might be many things, memory leaks that build up to far, psu that is not strong enough for the hardware and causing spikes, overclocking, faulty hardware, mismatching memory sticks (speed or size), antivirus, old/experimental drivers, other apps working in the background and more.
Some people have been having problems with graphics settings, f.e turning off RTX and all the new stuff have fixed a few problems for some. Someone had problems with keyboard rebindings I think, putting everything to default fixed a problem.
I have over 100 hours ingame and I have had one CTD, that was because I had the game running in the background for a few hours while I was doing something else.