Posted December 10, 2020
- floating NPC's
- running NPC's ignoring cars (running straight through them)
- Double-jump down a hill and landing in a falldamage-loop
- Physics engine reacting like Bethesdas. Meaning, i got wood pallets smoothly moving on the ground after i bumped into them. Anyone heared of Epsilon?
- Enemy NPC's (Mission Epistrophy, the 'GlaDos' car) not attacking and one was stuck in her car
- floating trash, shards, cigarettes etc. You didn't buy source code either from Bethesda, right? Please tell me i'm right. Please!
- once called my car and both, my bike and car arrived. My car was trying to drive on top of the bike though, so i couldn't use either one
- Inventory:
If you are in the weapon selection list (2 columns), then you can not scroll the list without blocking the other column. This also leads to the problem if you want to keep one of a kind, you never know if it is the last one you're disassembling, because the other side is always covered up.
Solution: 1 column and data always on the right?
- Map: Dragging the map with the Mouse
If you drag the map you can end up so your mouse cursor is on top for example the inventory button. Then the MouseUp event triggers opening the Inventory. That's just bad UI logic design. And either your devs or your betas didn't do their job here, because something like this is fixed in 20-30 mins tops.
Tip: React on MouseUp, but not if you are in dragmode. It's a simple bool flag.
- the landfill southeast of NC looks awful. Much floating trash, i'm sure i can find 'stuck' locations there
- Weather is inconsistent after loading. Saving in heavy rain, reload and it's sunny. Didn't have a serializer for your weather?
- you have to set your camera option (Q) for each car/bike i think? It's consistent if you get out and in again, but not sure if you call it again from some other place. It clearly is not set to your last setting if you jump in a new car.
- Dialog system: If more than one NPC is in the conversation, they have this awkward 1-2 sec pause between their sentences, even if one is clearly responding (sometimes harshly, for example Judy and this fixer, forgot his name) to the other NPC.
Thats it for now, i'll update when i have more.
Software Developer (industry)
PS: My opinion of the game so far
It is a good enough game, but the bugs and UI/graphics stuff make it quite annoying some times. It destroys the immersion. The UI is clearly 'optimized' for Gamepads (and i was wondering why i see an aimbot....) and PC integration is only made halfheartedly.
Speaking of the UI: I would never deliver such a product to my customers. Because even i would hate it and would fix it on my own time, even if it's one day before delivery and i don't even use the software i write.
My hope lies with the 1.04 patch.
- floating NPC's
- running NPC's ignoring cars (running straight through them)
- Double-jump down a hill and landing in a falldamage-loop
- Physics engine reacting like Bethesdas. Meaning, i got wood pallets smoothly moving on the ground after i bumped into them. Anyone heared of Epsilon?
- Enemy NPC's (Mission Epistrophy, the 'GlaDos' car) not attacking and one was stuck in her car
- floating trash, shards, cigarettes etc. You didn't buy source code either from Bethesda, right? Please tell me i'm right. Please!
- once called my car and both, my bike and car arrived. My car was trying to drive on top of the bike though, so i couldn't use either one
- Inventory:
If you are in the weapon selection list (2 columns), then you can not scroll the list without blocking the other column. This also leads to the problem if you want to keep one of a kind, you never know if it is the last one you're disassembling, because the other side is always covered up.
Solution: 1 column and data always on the right?
- Map: Dragging the map with the Mouse
If you drag the map you can end up so your mouse cursor is on top for example the inventory button. Then the MouseUp event triggers opening the Inventory. That's just bad UI logic design. And either your devs or your betas didn't do their job here, because something like this is fixed in 20-30 mins tops.
Tip: React on MouseUp, but not if you are in dragmode. It's a simple bool flag.
- the landfill southeast of NC looks awful. Much floating trash, i'm sure i can find 'stuck' locations there
- Weather is inconsistent after loading. Saving in heavy rain, reload and it's sunny. Didn't have a serializer for your weather?
- you have to set your camera option (Q) for each car/bike i think? It's consistent if you get out and in again, but not sure if you call it again from some other place. It clearly is not set to your last setting if you jump in a new car.
- Dialog system: If more than one NPC is in the conversation, they have this awkward 1-2 sec pause between their sentences, even if one is clearly responding (sometimes harshly, for example Judy and this fixer, forgot his name) to the other NPC.
Thats it for now, i'll update when i have more.
Software Developer (industry)
PS: My opinion of the game so far
It is a good enough game, but the bugs and UI/graphics stuff make it quite annoying some times. It destroys the immersion. The UI is clearly 'optimized' for Gamepads (and i was wondering why i see an aimbot....) and PC integration is only made halfheartedly.
Speaking of the UI: I would never deliver such a product to my customers. Because even i would hate it and would fix it on my own time, even if it's one day before delivery and i don't even use the software i write.
My hope lies with the 1.04 patch.