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Nonomak: Well guess what happens? nothing. That's quite the reason why OP made this thread and others including me are experience this bug, that you somehow didn't encounter.
mysticalhealth: Before the mouse fix I encountered the same problem with the tutorial, what fixed it for me was trying differents key binds till one finally worked (with the tagging part)

the one that did it for me was F3 ... don't ask why, I have no idea
I tried every key that i could possibly think of, nothing seems to work, sometimes there's a prompt that says action impossible or something similar but that's all. Hell i even tried a 360 controller to no avail. This is ridiculous

Finally i decided to go 3 save files back and play over which fixed the issue. So basically, from my understanding my playthrough was sort of corrupted at some point in one of those save files i ended up deleting. I also verified the game files but i'm not sure if it made any difference.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by Nonomak
I had the same problem and to fix it i had to reload a save from sthe begining of the tutorial and do it again. First i tried with a save a few exercices before but it did not fix the bug. Maybe you could even play the game from start, for sure it will fix the bug.
Same problem, nothing fixed it so far (rebinding keys, controller, etc.)
MiriOhki: Anyone having an issue on the stealth vr tutorial where the tag mechanic either doesn’t work or the game doesn’t acknowledge it? I tried tagging the four guards but the game doesn’t proceed any further.
There is an issue with newer Logitech mice where the game refuses to recognize MMB (middle mouse button ) input at all.

If you are NOT using a logitech mouse and can assign MMB in settings to any other function then you simply missed out on the badly designed stealth tutorials lack of descriptors. In this case you need to either hold tab WHILE TAGGING or press capslock then tag.

EDIT: Just a note. CDPR has ALWAYS had issues with logitech mice and has made no apparent attempts to resolve these issues. These issues have been part and parcel of CDPR games since the original witcher game but normally a simple rebinding of the function works.

In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 there are MMB functions (unequip) that have NO rebinding option available.
Post edited December 11, 2020 by mad-one
MiriOhki: Anyone having an issue on the stealth vr tutorial where the tag mechanic either doesn’t work or the game doesn’t acknowledge it? I tried tagging the four guards but the game doesn’t proceed any further.
For me, I was unable to select/highlight the 4 guys, I re-loaded a save and then it worked. what I am noticing is that highlighting bad guys after this in the open world works when it wants to.

Also manual save a lot, I know you shouldn't have to but considering the next level bugs, it will save a bit a frustration.
Post edited December 11, 2020 by mmorgan5066
I had to use a controller to do this tutorial as my keyboard would not tag them.
tried several different keys bind, tried a controler, nothing working
not a logitech mouse i have the most basic Dell mouse
and yeah i know how to read, tried both with Tab or caps lock to have scanner while trying those binds
Loading an old save an redoing the hacking tutorial did not work either, since now the hacking tutorial is broken (second part I cannot scan the screen).
MiriOhki: Anyone having an issue on the stealth vr tutorial where the tag mechanic either doesn’t work or the game doesn’t acknowledge it? I tried tagging the four guards but the game doesn’t proceed any further.
mad-one: There is an issue with newer Logitech mice where the game refuses to recognize MMB (middle mouse button ) input at all.

If you are NOT using a logitech mouse and can assign MMB in settings to any other function then you simply missed out on the badly designed stealth tutorials lack of descriptors. In this case you need to either hold tab WHILE TAGGING or press capslock then tag.

EDIT: Just a note. CDPR has ALWAYS had issues with logitech mice and has made no apparent attempts to resolve these issues. These issues have been part and parcel of CDPR games since the original witcher game but normally a simple rebinding of the function works.

In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 there are MMB functions (unequip) that have NO rebinding option available.
So they'll tell us to buy another brand of mouse? GTFO CDPR and GOG.
Not a logitech mouse and I know how to press tab... does. not. work.