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Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
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xenomat: Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
if it is a possibility with Microsofts OWN windows updater tool you can upgrade your BS (WIN7/8) to windows 10 if your serial is legal.

i ported many old systems that way. 14 with win 7 without problems, 5 with win 8. BUT 2 of them had to be resetted or fresh installed.

if you want to go safe: make backup of C:\ and all relevant data on external drive.
use "Speccy" from piriform or similar program too locate your win serial.
look for version and upgrade hierarchy

Windows 8 Core >> Windows 10 Home.
Varianten Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Windows 8 Pro >> Windows 10 Pro
look for old windows specs then download image win10 home or Pro
make a bootable stick
clean install windows 10
use win8 serial too activate

use @ own risk
xenomat: Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
Not speaking of Cyberpunk 2077 but in general, I noticed several apps/programs dropped support for Windows 8/8.1 years ago but continued to give support to Windows 7 even if its older.

I believe it is because Windows 8/8.1 was not well received that even Microsoft left it abandoned after some years.
Do yourself and us a favor and upgrade your shitty OS to Windows 10:

It's still possible to do it for free.
high rated
PaulBaeumer1918: Do yourself and us a favor and upgrade your shitty OS to Windows 10:

It's still possible to do it for free.
I strongly advise against upgrading from 7/8 to 10!

Download the Windows 10 installer and install it manually. Your Windows 8 serial will decide which Windows 10 version will be unlocked: Home or Pro. If possible opt for Pro in case you only got 8 home and buy a serial from Amazon or MS. This version allows you to at least deactivate some of the more intrusive stuff MS implemented and configure it to your needs! [i]You'll have to work around certain locks on services which priority you can't change to permanently disable them. Only using it as second OS to play games, maybe you will not be bothered as much by it and fall back on Windows 8 as OS when not playing, or Linux if that's your choice.

The reason is that an upgrade potentially can and eventually will seriously mess with registry, task scheduler tasks, settings, system app, services, among other things. Windows 10 can be unstable at the best of times before configuring it properly, getting rid of unwanted apps, demos, disabling services, removing tasks, etc., so, upgrading, it could add additional problems that could make you regret pressing that upgrade button.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by Mori_Yuki
So... thanks to JinRoh666, Rxxz_935 and Mori_Yuki!
I've been working in IT for over 20 years, i'll be fine but thanks for your effort anyway. :D

And PaulBaeumer1918... as stated above, i have a long history in IT. I know why i don't really like Windows 10. It looks and feels nice, but i really don't like forced "feature" updates, the dissapearing of features and functions, the constant spying, the resetting of system configuration, randomly dropping compatibility/support for hardware etc... the list goes on. To me this is the shitty part, Windows 7 and 8 are fine, as well as Linux.

Nothing against security updates, but i prefer to decide for myself when i want to do this, not some company somewhere on the planet. I have several machines, also with Windows 10 (the unimportant ones mostly which are not for work) and i had the problem now on many occasions when i wanted to pack my notebook for example when it decided to not shut down because of updates, and i had to wait or pack the blow-drying notebook into my bag and hope it doesn't melt. Or if you just want to check something quickly on a machine and then of course it wants to do updates again, it's just driving me nuts.
What could possible be the reason for a company to enforce updates and think this will be receipted in a positive way?
On Linux i just update or don't, or i decide what i need, or i don't. It will not explode or annoy the hell out of me. It just works and if you want to update, it's pretty quick.

And please tell me how i would do you/other people a favor by updating? I don't see how this affects you.
All my Windows OS from 2000 over XP to 7 never had any issues, infection or anything and i never run protection or anti virus software because i know what i am doing.

This has been written from a Windows 10 machine. XD
Have fun anyway, Grüße aus Frankfurt am Main!
Post edited December 10, 2020 by xenomat
This is going to sound critical, it's not meant to be.
xenomat: I've been working in IT for over 20 years
That's a meaningless statement. I know people who've been in the industry for 20 years who have never progressed beyond Deskside support, I know others who have reached architect level at half that time or less. Note I'm talking about people I would consider actual architect level, who are in reality few and far between. All too often these days it's used as a vanity title, though not quite as bad as one person I know who has given himself the job title of 'modern workplace evangelist'.
xenomat: Nothing against security updates, but i prefer to decide for myself when i want to do this, not some company somewhere on the planet.
There are a host of ways to control when updates are applied, most of the companies I deal with use Endpoint Manager (SCCM as was) where security and feature updates can be delayed indefinitely should the company choose to. Once you do decide to deploy you can dictate down to the minute beyond which the updates will actually apply and how long a user can delay the reboot for - one company chooses to not enforce a full reboot at all but wait for it to happen over time and uses fast boot to avoid updates applying in the meantime. A silly approach in my opinion as it leaves their machines unpatched but their choice.
xenomat: What could possibly be the reason for a company to enforce updates and think this will be receipted in a positive way?
How about the fact that Microsoft spent years being criticised for security flaws being openly exploited but for which they had released patches sometimes months previously that people just hadn't installed?

Another reason, that MS were quite open about when they moved to the single update model (rather than multiple updates that sys admins selectively chose from), was testing. Microsoft had a graphic they used at the time which was a wall with some of the bricks missing, meant to show a company that had selectively chosen not to install particular updates. They had several other walls, each with a different set of bricks missing representing other customers. Microsofts point was that because different companies excluded different 'bricks' (patches) they found it impossible to properly test updates before release as they never knew what combination of previous updates they would be dealing with. To cope with this they stopped giving sys admins the choice, I can't speak for your experience but patching has become a much smoother more trouble-free experience in my customer base.
xenomat: All my Windows OS from 2000 over XP to 7 never had any issues, infection or anything and i never run protection or anti virus software because i know what i am doing.
I did some work for an IT manager at a private wealth fund company who said he didn't need a security officer because 'he did it all', despite not having any formal training or previous experience. I'll say the same thing to you that i said to him - how the hell do you know you haven't been compromised? Of course ransomware and some malware is either completely obvious or badly written such that it has noticeable effects on the system that cause you to investigate. Many compromises don't, especially ones that are after longer term financial gain. The fact is that the wealth management company may have been leaking valuable data for months or years in ways he lacked the skills to understand.
Been in IT since 1998, currently managing over 24k users and were 100% windows 10... personally I'm also windows 10 on in a household of 8 machines. Updates are controlled by ME, Ive never had to wait for them to finish when I wanted to do something.

Complaining about updates anymore is like getting mad your shoes come untied all the time... learn the skill of tying your shoes properly and it wont happen... likewise learn update management and make your setting commits so YOU decided when it happens.... don't be a lazy technician man, I feel sorry for your clients using windows 8.1. thats irresponsible and dangerous and telling to your true skill set if you cant even handle windows 10 properly.
I was referring to my private machines and preferences.
If you are managing users then of course you need to have a certain level of security and processes in place. I have no issue imposing updates on a bunch of clients, this is all structured and planned, there are schedules etc.
But for an Admin/Technician/Whatever on his private machines i find it very annoying that someone influences my private schedule at home, it's just inacceptable to me. If i want to cook i don't want the oven to tell me "no, i need an upgrade first".

Windows has a very big market share and most of the users are not technically adept. Windows is not an uncomplicated appliance like a toaster, but people want it to be and everybody has been using it for over 25 years. So of course the amount of malware is huge and there is a need for security software. But not everyone needs it, Windows 10 is just tailored for the masses and i want to be able to disable certain features and not being patronized, period. If it will not go back to the roots at some point, with something like a setting for different levels of users (what level of "care" do you need?), then i will be slowly migrating to Linux and only use Windows 10 for games which need it. Have been running Linux Desktop and Servers for years anyway.

And i know my windows is not infected because i use tools for monitoring. I monitor services, autoruns, processes, network connections/traffic, etc.
I just wish Windows would again become the OS for people who are technical AND like gaming as well. I myself don't need to be cared for by mother Microsoft and i also don't want to share all my usage data.

@Starkrun I've just noticed your Avatar. Bite my shiny metal ass! :D
Post edited December 10, 2020 by xenomat
xenomat: Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
The reason for this is that - afaik - MS only added (partial) DX12 support in Win7/64 but not in Win8. There's not much CDPR could do about it. Being on Win7/64 as well I am now searchong for some review how it runs on Win7 since otherwise I meet the settings (GTX1060 / 4790K / 16GB / 1TB HDD).
xenomat: Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
MarkoH01: The reason for this is that - afaik - MS only added (partial) DX12 support in Win7/64 but not in Win8. There's not much CDPR could do about it. Being on Win7/64 as well I am now searchong for some review how it runs on Win7 since otherwise I meet the settings (GTX1060 / 4790K / 16GB / 1TB HDD).
You've most likely seen this but I'm posting it anyway since it's an active thread and might be interesting for Win7 users to look at.

Seems it's running for some and not at all for other others (obviously ignore the usual unhelpful comments). I'm assuming patches would solve this.
MarkoH01: The reason for this is that - afaik - MS only added (partial) DX12 support in Win7/64 but not in Win8. There's not much CDPR could do about it. Being on Win7/64 as well I am now searchong for some review how it runs on Win7 since otherwise I meet the settings (GTX1060 / 4790K / 16GB / 1TB HDD).
beezzi: You've most likely seen this but I'm posting it anyway since it's an active thread and might be interesting for Win7 users to look at.

Seems it's running for some and not at all for other others (obviously ignore the usual unhelpful comments). I'm assuming patches would solve this.
Thank you. Did notfind this yet since right now I focused on the GOG forum. Thanks also for replying directly to my question without shouting at me what a stupid person I am to still use Win7 :)

It boggles my mind how so many users are thinking that "get rid of win7" would be an actual answer ... it's the same as in this very thread and it is annoying as hell to hear all those smartasses. I'd love to tell them that I know that WIn7 is old and I know that it is not supported anymore by MS and I know that it might be a security risc ... but I made my decision (no matter if they think it is the right one or not) and that's the base of my question... but it was the same when I hold on to XP for far longer than most others (eventuelly I upgraded because too many games refused to run on WinxP). If somebody would aks me if I know a way to get game xyz to run on xp, 98, 95 or even win31, I would either help him or not say anything at all. Change your OS is not the answer to the question - simple as that. But unfortunately those who think they know everything better will never realize this.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by MarkoH01
How can you tell scam IT from professional IT?
Those who use Windows 10 and those who use Linux.
Mark my words, "IT managers" being gifted free OEM codes from MS to run Windows and can't even benchmark hardware-software correlations properly. They are an outdated sham in every regard.
Like tech-shops who ask you 20+ bucks to clean your PC of dust. An outrageous joke.

My condolences.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by FateIsOneEdge
xenomat: Well, see topic.
I can't really believe this, because Windows 7 is older so i assumed that Windows 8 will of course be fine.
Hi xenomat.

My suggestion is to create a dual OS boot machine and run CB2077 on the Windows 7 installation.
In case you don't have a Windows 7 activation key, than download Windows 10 from Microsoft's website and install without an activation key.
The only reason I am suggesting Windows 10 is because Microsoft has unofficially decided to NOT terminate any non-activated installations of Windows 10, since release date. Your non-activated Windows 10 installation will not be "locked" even after years of free use, alas you will have to bare with the annoying "Activate Windows" pop-up.
If there was Linux support for Cyberpunk 2077, I would insist on preferring it over Windows 10.

Post edited December 10, 2020 by FateIsOneEdge
FateIsOneEdge: How can you tell scam IT from professional IT?
Those who use Windows 10 and those who use Linux.
Mark my words, "IT managers" being gifted free OEM codes from MS to run Windows and can't even benchmark hardware-software correlations properly. They are an outdated sham in every regard.
Like tech-shops who ask you 20+ bucks to clean your PC of dust. An outrageous joke.

My condolences.
So you think the only "real IT" people are those who use Linux? What hubris. The vast majority of the world runs on Windows, so it's only natural for techs to run Windows as well. If you like Linux, bully for you, but that doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't run Linux is not a real tech. Grow up.

Also, if you don't want to pay professionals to clean your PC, then buy a can of compressed air. Complaining about it is like passing gas, all you do is stink the room up and nothing gets accomplished.