cLaude83: I can understand where you are coming from, because I remember feeling the same way. But the situation you describe is how CDP used to be, not how it is any longer. They have gone completely to the dogs. They used to be unapologetic, bu in recent years changes in leadership and policy have lead to repeated instances of pandering to social justice urinalism. They used to care about the quality of their products and services, now they care only for their outward image and reputation. They are incredibly censorious on their CDPR and Steam forums, suppressing any questions they don't want asked, let alone any criticism. Luckily, censorship does not appear to be very heavy here yet, though it's probably only a matter of time.
For your sake, I hope Cyberpunk lives up to your wishes. For CDP's own sake and that of all their customers collectively, I hope it's a disaster that will force them to realize they need to go back to the way they used to be, and fire all the assholes that invaded and corrupted the company since then. Failing that, I hope they go bankrupt as a signal to others, and so we'll never again have to deal with such gross blood treachery against all the Poles who suffered and died in their struggle against socialism and censorship.

lace_gardenia: This constant anger just can't be good for you.
Your world view seems to depend on a very strange set of postulates that you are not willing or able to accept as erroneous.
You assume some suggestions for ways in which CDP could demonstrate its redemption, are demands. What point would demands be? They only make the person making them look silly and entitled. They are not an ultimatum, since the person demanding has little hold over the company on their own. Suggestions for ways that the company can show a change of heart, however, hold no expectation. They only indicate a preparedness to believe the company will, or at least can, reform itself again in future.
You assume people must be angry in order to fight evil, yet it is not so. I am hardly ever angry, I have not been more than frustrated for several years now. Though I love the imagery of 'righteous fury' and 'divine wrath', in truth, I cannot be bothered to get worked up about the unethical behaviour of a company that needs me more than I need them. And make no mistake: none of us have any
need of CDP's products or services, which is why it would be stupid to
demand anything from them; CDP on the other hand does have need of us, not you and me specifically, but the customers collectively, since we are the source of their income.
You assume fierce words must be born of hatred rather than sincere concern for the company and for its customers. Again, you seem to be projecting some axiom which may hold true in your own life.
As I said earlier today, I really urge you to start thinking before you speak, and reading before you react. It will save you a lot of embarrassment, and perhaps ultimately disappointment and sadness, should you ever come to accept that you are wrong. It will also save everyone else some time and effort trying to put your train of thought back on track, despite empty boxcars -- not that I expect you care much about others, on the basis of your previous posts, but since I do not know you personally, I will mention it again, nonetheless, in case it does penetrate your exceptionally thick skull.