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"We intend to live up to what we promised our gamers in January", which is what exactly? Fixing bugs without adressing the games true problems?
The game is a huge disappointment on so many levels, and im saying this while i actually enjoyed myself playing it, but there are glaring issues regarding missing features, loading problems, LOD problems, A.I., quest choices, lack of choices, etc.
Everywhere i look all i can see is missed opportunities and wasted potential to create something truly special. With a few more features and expanded mechanics this could have been a fantastic game.
After all those patches the game is still in a pretty bad shape, there were improvements but not enough. The loading seemingly got worse, visual glitches and broken animations are all over the place still.

"nearly half" of the Cyberpunk development team is still working on either the currently-available versions or the upcoming next-gen editions, while smaller teams have moved to pre-production on unannounced projects."

I hoped for a whole overhaul on certain things in this game, similar to what people are talking about for No Mans Sky, but if this is the dedication that is given to CP2077 i dont know if it will ever happen. I truly hope that i am wrong. I guess time will tell.
January? I thought it was already in December.
Csumbi: Everywhere i look all i can see is missed opportunities and wasted potential to create something truly special. With a few more features and expanded mechanics this could have been a fantastic game.
I don't see the missed opportunities and wasted potential, so I perceive the game as excellent. Yes, it has bugs, but they didn't erode gaming pleasure (the best I've had in years). I'm on PC though, the perception may differ on other platforms.
Csumbi: Everywhere i look all i can see is missed opportunities and wasted potential to create something truly special. With a few more features and expanded mechanics this could have been a fantastic game.
XavrasWyzryn: I don't see the missed opportunities and wasted potential, so I perceive the game as excellent. Yes, it has bugs, but they didn't erode gaming pleasure (the best I've had in years). I'm on PC though, the perception may differ on other platforms.
The lack of customization options ingame for vehicles, to character appearance like haircuts and tattos, the bare bones hacking options, further fleshing out of the BD stuff, more interactivity with the world it self and its residents, more dialogue options, etc. In my opinion there are a lot of thing that could have been drastically improved, and its not too late, though it needs a lot of work.
Csumbi: The lack of customization options ingame for vehicles, to character appearance like haircuts and tattos, the bare bones hacking options, further fleshing out of the BD stuff, more interactivity with the world it self and its residents, more dialogue options, etc. In my opinion there are a lot of thing that could have been drastically improved, and its not too late, though it needs a lot of work.
My guess is most of this has been cut off because the functions were not ready. If you take a look at the original police AI (or the lack of) or the NPC AI when you shoot in public, it's clearly a placeholder AI so there is some response until the real function can be implemented.

My guess is that all those tattoo shops and barber options have been cut because they were not ready yet, but hopefully they will be either added in a patch or a free DLC. For marketing reasons, probably as a free DLC. If they release them in a patch, that would be a missed marketing opportunity. Free DLC sounds better. A patch would be a confession that this function was supposed to be there from the beginning.

If you look at The Witcher 3, it took them 3 months to add different marking for read and unread books/notes. It took them about a year to make the game stable enough with the patch 1.20 and they were still fixing the game in 2018, 3 years after the release.
Csumbi: The lack of customization options ingame for vehicles, to character appearance like haircuts and tattos, the bare bones hacking options, further fleshing out of the BD stuff, more interactivity with the world it self and its residents, more dialogue options, etc. In my opinion there are a lot of thing that could have been drastically improved, and its not too late, though it needs a lot of work.
frogthroat: My guess is most of this has been cut off because the functions were not ready. If you take a look at the original police AI (or the lack of) or the NPC AI when you shoot in public, it's clearly a placeholder AI so there is some response until the real function can be implemented.

My guess is that all those tattoo shops and barber options have been cut because they were not ready yet, but hopefully they will be either added in a patch or a free DLC. For marketing reasons, probably as a free DLC. If they release them in a patch, that would be a missed marketing opportunity. Free DLC sounds better. A patch would be a confession that this function was supposed to be there from the beginning.

If you look at The Witcher 3, it took them 3 months to add different marking for read and unread books/notes. It took them about a year to make the game stable enough with the patch 1.20 and they were still fixing the game in 2018, 3 years after the release.
Technical issues are not the problem.
With Witcher 3 - most of the promised and expected content was there.
The same can't be said about CP77 though.
low rated
Just another company on the heap made of Liars..

No More EA games
No More Overkill / Starbreeze games
No More Epic games

Woke CCP affiliated company's should be avoided clouded decisions removal of elements to suit a dictator and the SJW loons wanting absurd things removed because the purple hair dye soaked into their brain.

Pretty much over all these company's speak with your money don't put up with it they promise every other game this and that and they all fail to deliver.
Post edited February 12, 2023 by lace_gardenia
wayke: Woke CCP affiliated company's
Sure, sure, but...
wayke: Woke CCP affiliated company's should be avoided clouded decisions removal of elements to suit a dictator and the SJW loons wanting absurd things removed because the purple hair dye soaked into their brain.
lace_gardenia: Oh look, it's the guy who flies into a homicidal rage over a trans NPC existing and wants the developers to make a scenario where said NPC can be murdered.

Also, that time when you equated the trans flag with a swastika. That was fun too.
Is this all you do exaggerate fabricate just to feel better about yourself probably upset about the seeing your face in a zoom call right.
wayke: Woke CCP affiliated company's
frogthroat: Sure, sure, but...
Comments on Configuration flags probably a personal choice and not that of the company.
low rated
Post edited February 12, 2023 by lace_gardenia
They can redeem themselves. If the next patch is a cursory "we fixed this one thing that 1 - 5 % of users experienced" I'm going to flip my top.

It being put back on the Playstation store on June 21 could be a sign of good things.
Crawdaddy79: They can redeem themselves. If the next patch is a cursory "we fixed this one thing that 1 - 5 % of users experienced" I'm going to flip my top.

It being put back on the Playstation store on June 21 could be a sign of good things.
PlayStation as pissed with the crap CDP pulled. Allowing them back is huge, it BETTER come with content. This was one of the biggest letdowns from the hype generated in my entire gaming career... No Man's Sky by this point was releasing the Atlas Rises content update, the 3rd major content update with consistent patches and bug fixes since release if we compare timelines... and there studio was infinitesimally smaller then CDP.
pretty dissappointing after a month and a half, i expected a lot more substantial patch.
Post edited June 17, 2021 by Csumbi
Csumbi: pretty dissappointing after a month and a half, i expected a lot more substantial patch.
I'll do you one better. I was just expecting a working product out of the box!

Since I turned out to be just bored enough to see if the game now, after 7 months of patching, would at least run out of the box, I launched, new game, selected life path, and wha-BAM, the game crashed my GPU driver so hard, I had to re-plug my display just to get my GPU to remember it even exists. Then, the crash reporter, stating the game had flatlined, confirmed the sending of the crash report, which was a lie, since there was absolutely zero network activity. Aah, quality...

At least it didn't BSOD my system like it did the uncountable times back when I put about 500h of playtime into it right after launch, I guess. This game is such a quirky oddball. Nothing else is behaving quite like it on my system.