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Crawdaddy79: If the next patch is a cursory "we fixed this one thing that 1 - 5 % of users experienced" I'm going to flip my top.
Consider my top flipped.

I told you all the corporations are not your friends.
All I got was hatred for speaking the truth.
frogthroat: skipped

If you look at The Witcher 3, it took them 3 months to add different marking for read and unread books/notes. It took them about a year to make the game stable enough with the patch 1.20 and they were still fixing the game in 2018, 3 years after the release.
toms_24: Technical issues are not the problem.
With Witcher 3 - most of the promised and expected content was there.
The same can't be said about CP77 though.
This is exactly it for me - firstly the comparison to W3 is not entirely valid as it was not nearly as buggy as CP2077 from technical perspective at release. Secondly, the game mechanics as you say were there - whereas CP2077 has many of its own missing. Lets hope they get added, but I would not bet any money on this.
Crawdaddy79: Consider my top flipped.
They said a few days ago that the next update is not going to be that big, but a patch is coming in a few weeks as it is almost ready.

An update came, a hotfix, 1.23, just as they said. And it wasn't that big, just as they said. So I would assume patch 1.3 is coming in a few weeks.

(Well, I could be wrong. I read it in a German magazine GameStar and my German is... questionable.)

Anyway, they told in advance the next update is going to be a small one. And it was.

┬━┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
midrand: CP2077 has many of its own missing. Lets hope they get added, but I would not bet any money on this.
You don't need to go further than the police AI to see missing content. The police AI was not implemented and what we got was clearly just a placeholder until they finish the actual one.

But my guess is the missing content is going to come as these "free DLCs" they keep talking about. From a PR perspective, that would be the smart thing to do. People like free stuff. A free DLC sounds much better than "here's the cut content that should have been there from day 1". One makes the company look good, the other makes the company admit guilt.

The names of the coming DLCs have been found already, by the way. They are:

Rides of the Dark Future
The Relic
Fashion Forward Expansion
Gangs of Night City
Ripperdocs Expansion
Body Shops Expansion
Neck Deep
Night City Expansion
Body of Chrome

The Relic is probably the new section in Attribute menu, so probably new skills and new perks. But otherwise those look like stuff to do in Night City. Better shops overall. Ripperdocs -- more cyberstuff. Fashion Forward -- could we get transmog for the clothes? Body Shops -- finally vehicle customisation?! But yeah, many of those names could indicate the cut content being added. Some could be actual expansions -- Neck Deep and Body of Chrome? Well, the latter could be this one:
midrand: CP2077 has many of its own missing. Lets hope they get added, but I would not bet any money on this.
frogthroat: You don't need to go further than the police AI to see missing content. The police AI was not implemented and what we got was clearly just a placeholder until they finish the actual one.

But my guess is the missing content is going to come as these "free DLCs" they keep talking about. From a PR perspective, that would be the smart thing to do. People like free stuff. A free DLC sounds much better than "here's the cut content that should have been there from day 1". One makes the company look good, the other makes the company admit guilt.

The names of the coming DLCs have been found already, by the way. They are:

Rides of the Dark Future
The Relic
Fashion Forward Expansion
Gangs of Night City
Ripperdocs Expansion
Body Shops Expansion
Neck Deep
Night City Expansion
Body of Chrome

The Relic is probably the new section in Attribute menu, so probably new skills and new perks. But otherwise those look like stuff to do in Night City. Better shops overall. Ripperdocs -- more cyberstuff. Fashion Forward -- could we get transmog for the clothes? Body Shops -- finally vehicle customisation?! But yeah, many of those names could indicate the cut content being added. Some could be actual expansions -- Neck Deep and Body of Chrome? Well, the latter could be this one:
Thanks for that - appreciate the info :)
midrand: CP2077 has many of its own missing. Lets hope they get added, but I would not bet any money on this.
frogthroat: You don't need to go further than the police AI to see missing content. The police AI was not implemented and what we got was clearly just a placeholder until they finish the actual one.

But my guess is the missing content is going to come as these "free DLCs" they keep talking about. From a PR perspective, that would be the smart thing to do. People like free stuff. A free DLC sounds much better than "here's the cut content that should have been there from day 1". One makes the company look good, the other makes the company admit guilt.

The names of the coming DLCs have been found already, by the way. They are:

Rides of the Dark Future
The Relic
Fashion Forward Expansion
Gangs of Night City
Ripperdocs Expansion
Body Shops Expansion
Neck Deep
Night City Expansion
Body of Chrome

The Relic is probably the new section in Attribute menu, so probably new skills and new perks. But otherwise those look like stuff to do in Night City. Better shops overall. Ripperdocs -- more cyberstuff. Fashion Forward -- could we get transmog for the clothes? Body Shops -- finally vehicle customisation?! But yeah, many of those names could indicate the cut content being added. Some could be actual expansions -- Neck Deep and Body of Chrome? Well, the latter could be this one:
What's your source?
Just asking because I've heard that some DLC titles that are going around are just the titles of some episodes of Night City Wire (which I've never watched, btw).
Nephilim88: What's your source?
A smart man would have cited the source without others having to ask. :)

Anyway, it has been on several articles that they were either accidentally listed on Epic Games Store or you had to do something with the dev tools in your browser (press F12 in Chrome to open) but I am not sure what. That part is not really clear. But the closet to a source I have managed to get has been this screenshot from the store:

I have seen also some talk about three paid expansions, but I have not found a screenshot of that. So I didn't mention those since there's only some words on the internet. Not that a screenshot that can be easily created with any text you want is much more reliable.

These are rumours so take them with a grain of salt.
Nephilim88: What's your source?
frogthroat: A smart man would have cited the source without others having to ask. :)

Anyway, it has been on several articles that they were either accidentally listed on Epic Games Store or you had to do something with the dev tools in your browser (press F12 in Chrome to open) but I am not sure what. That part is not really clear. But the closet to a source I have managed to get has been this screenshot from the store:

I have seen also some talk about three paid expansions, but I have not found a screenshot of that. So I didn't mention those since there's only some words on the internet. Not that a screenshot that can be easily created with any text you want is much more reliable.

These are rumours so take them with a grain of salt.
It all looks like wishful thinking and speculation to me.
Nephilim88: It all looks like wishful thinking and speculation to me.
If it doesn't come from CDP or CDPR it's exactly just that, wishful thinking and speculation.
Crawdaddy79: Consider my top flipped.
frogthroat: They said a few days ago that the next update is not going to be that big, but a patch is coming in a few weeks as it is almost ready.

An update came, a hotfix, 1.23, just as they said. And it wasn't that big, just as they said. So I would assume patch 1.3 is coming in a few weeks.

(Well, I could be wrong. I read it in a German magazine GameStar and my German is... questionable.)

Anyway, they told in advance the next update is going to be a small one. And it was.

┬━┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Apologies for not seeing this information on their Twitter feed or their website or on any platform where they announce things except the German magazine Gamestar. CDPR - You're doing great!
Post edited June 20, 2021 by Crawdaddy79
midrand: CP2077 has many of its own missing. Lets hope they get added, but I would not bet any money on this.
frogthroat: You don't need to go further than the police AI to see missing content. The police AI was not implemented and what we got was clearly just a placeholder until they finish the actual one.

But my guess is the missing content is going to come as these "free DLCs" they keep talking about. From a PR perspective, that would be the smart thing to do. People like free stuff. A free DLC sounds much better than "here's the cut content that should have been there from day 1". One makes the company look good, the other makes the company admit guilt.

The names of the coming DLCs have been found already, by the way. They are:

Rides of the Dark Future
The Relic
Fashion Forward Expansion
Gangs of Night City
Ripperdocs Expansion
Body Shops Expansion
Neck Deep
Night City Expansion
Body of Chrome

The Relic is probably the new section in Attribute menu, so probably new skills and new perks. But otherwise those look like stuff to do in Night City. Better shops overall. Ripperdocs -- more cyberstuff. Fashion Forward -- could we get transmog for the clothes? Body Shops -- finally vehicle customisation?! But yeah, many of those names could indicate the cut content being added. Some could be actual expansions -- Neck Deep and Body of Chrome? Well, the latter could be this one:
Don't hold your breath. They've promised many things and failed miserably.
I purchased the "hard copy" and have a great looking map, real CP post cards, nice looking stickers, a small world compendium and a music CD. I had framed and displayed maps from other games. This one, I don't even recall where i put the box it all sits in. :(
Post edited June 20, 2021 by mad_crease