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MarkoH01: I feel you. I glitched back into Kopeki Plaza just to get the egg and now it is sitting in the bowl and nothing is happening :)
PaladinNO: Just to confirm, the iguana will hatch. But it takes a loooong time. But this is with very little time skipping.

I never noted the playtime when I placed the egg in the bowl, but if I were to say some 30 actual, real time hours, then that won't be too far off.

Now I got Johnny sitting in my apartment, playing his guitar...and he basically asked if I wanted to get a room with the iguana when I petted it for the second time.
Got 100% achievements yesterday and my Iguana also hatched during my "how to get 1.8mio Eddys for all cars" coup since this involved a lot of time skipping as well. :)

scrollop: Just finished the section where you meet Alt Cunningham in the deepnet, and when you return, super-jump (cyberware add on), doesn't work, only a normal jump works.

I am assuming this is because as Johhny you jump normally and there's a bug that doesn't revert you back to your characters addons.

No mods, tried reloading a game.
Try to sleep and shower as well - helped me when my beserk wasn't working anymore.
Post edited March 16, 2022 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: Got 100% achievements yesterday and my Iguana also hatched during my "how to get 1.8mio Eddys for all cars" coup since this involved a lot of time skipping as well. :)
How do you get achievements in this game (or any GoG game)? By having it linked to GoG Galaxy?

While I like achievements (simple psychological carrot which works surprisingly well on us humans - endorphins are too strong), but I don't like tracking and telemetry harvesting, so I play exclusively offline.

But I assume that means there is no way for me to get CP77 achievements.
MarkoH01: Got 100% achievements yesterday and my Iguana also hatched during my "how to get 1.8mio Eddys for all cars" coup since this involved a lot of time skipping as well. :)
PaladinNO: How do you get achievements in this game (or any GoG game)? By having it linked to GoG Galaxy?
Yes, unfortunately (some say fortunately but that's fine with me as well) the game does not have optional ingame achievements and therefore the only way to play with them is to use Galaxy to play the game.

PaladinNO: While I like achievements (simple psychological carrot which works surprisingly well on us humans - endorphins are too strong), but I don't like tracking and telemetry harvesting, so I play exclusively offline.

But I assume that means there is no way for me to get CP77 achievements.
Sorry, but I guess that's so. As far as I know Galaxy achievements don't work offline.

On a sidenote: if you do like achievements but still prefer to play offline, this list might be useful to you.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: On a sidenote: if you do like achievements but still prefer to play offline, this list might be useful to you.
Thanks, I had a look at the achievement list for CP77, and with the exception of the various endings, the only one I know I haven't done would be "Gunslinger: Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver."

It's listed as a Xbox achievement, so I don't know if it's avalable for PC as well (haven't touched a console since the N64 days), but I wouldn't have done this one...because I didn't know that was even possible in this game!

Mobility is king (or queen) in Night City, so by the time I see a grenade warning, I usually have killed whoever threw it before the grenade even lands (slight exaggeration). I've tried shooting at grenades for fun with an Ajax, but nothing seemed to happen.

But goodness, was the list of CP77 PC achievements a dull one - bascially just play the game, and get every single one of them!

If only achivements was a retroactive feature, or stored locally. That way I could link up a game and update my achievements list only when I wanted, close the client and keep on playing offline and keep the spyware like time tracker and whatever else GoG Galaxy does (like ANY game client) blocked.
PaladinNO: Thanks, I had a look at the achievement list for CP77, and with the exception of the various endings, the only one I know I haven't done would be "Gunslinger: Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver."
It's listed as a Xbox achievement, so I don't know if it's avalable for PC as well (haven't touched a console since the N64 days), but I wouldn't have done this one...because I didn't know that was even possible in this game!
Yes, it is possible (and listed) on PC as well. And the easiest way to get it is to attack the police (they like throwing grenades) and slow down time.

PaladinNO: But goodness, was the list of CP77 PC achievements a dull one - bascially just play the game, and get every single one of them!
Just playing the game without watching achievements I got about 75%. Replayed sections (including endings and keeping Tyakemura alive) to get the rest. Getting all cars requires a lot of cash so that one was tricky. Also leveling up to max is something that might not have happened usually in the game.

PaladinNO: If only achivements was a retroactive feature, or stored locally. That way I could link up a game and update my achievements list only when I wanted, close the client and keep on playing offline and keep the spyware like time tracker and whatever else GoG Galaxy does (like ANY game client) blocked.
Several games do store their achievements in a way that they do in fact activate reteoactively the moment you go online once. Unfortunately I don't know if this is the case for CP2077 as well ... and I can't test it anymore myself.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by MarkoH01
During the gig "No Fixers", I accidentally drove Iris Tanner in her car into a Wraith camp (NPC respawns, no relations to the mission, and I didn't expect them to be there) and suddenly the car stopped on its own, I got kicked out of the car automatically, and the mission failed with Dakota angrily calling to shout that I "left her there to die!"
Corp characters seem bugged in 1.5.

Both of mine are missing some plot flag or other, which makes weird things happen (Bozo still standing around where his fight was, even though the mission finished hours ago; mission areas that are re-populated for other characters remain locked, that new media jacket does not spawn, etc.)

Buddy of mine started a new corp character for 1.5 and has experienced the same issues (the character that's supposed to have the media jacket spawns, but not the jacket).

Bug or anti-corpo bias? You decide :)
Post edited March 27, 2022 by arugulaKhan
In Polish language conversation beetween Nina Chelo and Lucy Thackery is missing. After picking up its empy. Through library only one string is visible LocKey#6251
An another in Polish language: after completing Ward's questline, calling him on phone, there is no voice nor text for him.
cielaqu: An another in Polish language: after completing Ward's questline, calling him on phone, there is no voice nor text for him.
That one happens with all languages, not just Polish.

It's also the case in German and default English.

You can have him say the same though, with audio and subtitles, if you go talk to him in person (he'll be at the trailer park house).
PaladinNO: You can have him say the same though, with audio and subtitles, if you go talk to him in person (he'll be at the trailer park house).
Great, thank you, I will visit him and finally listen to what he have to say :)
i have found a bug with one of the police missions one of the guys i have to kill is out of bounds in a wall he can't be killed even with tech weapons, its in little china near all the off and on ramps for the highway
Gig: Trevor's last ride is still bugged.
The corpse does not spawn, or spawns underground or in a wall etc.
With the new changes this does not only break this mission, but all the follow up missions from Dakota aswell.
Vizera: Gig: Trevor's last ride is still bugged.
The corpse does not spawn, or spawns underground or in a wall etc.
With the new changes this does not only break this mission, but all the follow up missions from Dakota aswell.
It's best to save outside fence, quickly go to freezers, and if the body is below water, reload.
- Old Aldecaldos Camp is full of "zombie" nomads

Headed back to old Aldecaldos camp after Aldecaldos move, hoping to loot all the Raven Shiv we killed with the Basilisk.

No corpses, but 2 dozen NPC frozen in place (some in the air)