Heartstopper: If the development update for 1.2 is any indication of what we have to look forward to people are going to be seriously disappointed.
Starkrun: Rocking cars, better NPC and police response, and better steering... im going to preemptively assume its major overhaul for asset streaming tech to get it back on PSN for PlayStation sales as well.... which may help performance on PC.
at least its content and not just another "patch"
it will definitely help performance on PC. When they said they made this game on PC 1st, then consoles, they meant it in a way that the game would only run properly in 2020 Ryzen 9 CPU apparently...
This is very simple. When the game runs on ultra settings with a Ryzen 5 at 60 FPS in Jig Jig street/market, then the game will be optimized for consoles. Or viceversa: when the game runs properly on PS4/Xone, then the game will run properly on PC as well.
They need to focus in optimizing that area since it's the most CPU bound.
Edit: not to mention this game runs on DX12 on PC, which is FAR less CPU demanding than DX11. They trully needed more time to make this game work properly on consoles. But you know, time vs money. Investors want results... blablablabla