Turbo-Beaver: Link:
https://www.tomshardware.com/news/cyberpunk-2077-performance-preview Doesn't look that bad on the lower end of the spectrum (where the expectations were low anyway) but for people who want to play in 4K RT Ultra, it seems even a 3090 can only do ~ 45 fps.
Also, the game looks CPU intensive but they say this could have been due to Denuvo protection (release version won't have any). And there's going to be a release-day patch, which they estimate might improve performance by 10-15% at most.
There are some screenshots to demonstrate that RT is worth it (if hardware permits) but it's difficult to say what the difference between "Ultra" and "Medium" is otherwise (without it).
Isn't it going to be DRM free? GoG games are as far as I know.