charliesheen: CDProjekt will never recover it's reputation after this huge fiasco.
Yet EA sell games still even after ripping off lying cheating customers out of content, Sims - Battlefield series the patching alone is abysmal.
Ubisoft patching out content for products people already own license to to appease a potential Investor to suit the needs of a nation that will crush them and take all their IP..
ZeniMax Media and the Fallout series pretty much anything that todd coward is in on.
Valve and their constant law breaking IP theft and various other troubles and its scam sale system that does not sell the user license to the game but license access to their services to access the game.
How about that all fps games now use tiered distributed serving as game host and many of those games even use the players machines to lighten the load to save cost on their end and to prevent the longevity and competition based around said games you don't have a Dedicated server anymore included with the game for the lifespan of the title is then out of their hands.
People acting like CDPR have committed the biggest crime against gamers, How about the pandering to console users all these years some moron in an office sinks a great game series to CONSOLIFY a Title literally everything is trash now...
I can rant for hours about all this there are so many more instances of corrupt theiving game studios Not Developers who people like to blame Developers may make the game they don't get to choose when release is or when their work is finished, People need to start blaming these Marketing consultants.