Posted January 13, 2021

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Registered: Oct 2014
From Australia

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted January 13, 2021
I don't usually watch AJR but yes, he has a point. The state of the whole industry is appalling. When a developer/publisher set a retail price around 50-70 USD they automatically set the bar pretty high concerning content and quality. Many did the same mistake before they really were ready, including Hello Games.
They promised much, but in the end everything is just barely legally there...the rest simply isn't there. I really feel sorry for Pondsmith and Reeves.
Seriously, why do AAA games have to be so simplified (read: dumbed down) and so hollow? People say this is an RPG, but in reality it's worse than Fallout 4 and GTA V combined and it was changed to action-adventure (with rpg-mechanics) by CDPR themselves. I do fear they will just leave it and just focus on bugfixing so they can turn it into a GTA V Online clone. Then they don't have to make it a proper game, but we lost our money either way.
If they didn't scrapped most of the game and did a do-over about 2-2.5 years ago I think CDPR should find something else to do, because this "game" doesn't show 5-8 years worth of progress at all. Especially when we take into account how many developers CDPR have, and how many different teams they have that work simultaneously, like a 8 core having 16 threads, with overtime.
And like you said in another thread, it's people that makes thunderous applause to mediocre games that are the worst and partly the reason we can't have good games any longer.. It's just mindboggling how some people can't see what's really (isn't) there. Just show them some fancy and cool graphics and they're hooked. Some even put on their narrow-view mask (kinda like those roach has so he can focus on just seeing straight) and lazily calls any critique for just being a hate-train. Personally, I neither hate the game nor CDPR.
But what if Tesla promised a 800km car and just delivered a 200km car that people had pre-ordered for the price of a 600-800km car? People would rightly be angry and upset, and lawsuits would rain upon Tesla. Then again, the gaming industry can pretty much "promise" or commit false advertisements without any repercussions.
They promised much, but in the end everything is just barely legally there...the rest simply isn't there. I really feel sorry for Pondsmith and Reeves.
Seriously, why do AAA games have to be so simplified (read: dumbed down) and so hollow? People say this is an RPG, but in reality it's worse than Fallout 4 and GTA V combined and it was changed to action-adventure (with rpg-mechanics) by CDPR themselves. I do fear they will just leave it and just focus on bugfixing so they can turn it into a GTA V Online clone. Then they don't have to make it a proper game, but we lost our money either way.
If they didn't scrapped most of the game and did a do-over about 2-2.5 years ago I think CDPR should find something else to do, because this "game" doesn't show 5-8 years worth of progress at all. Especially when we take into account how many developers CDPR have, and how many different teams they have that work simultaneously, like a 8 core having 16 threads, with overtime.
And like you said in another thread, it's people that makes thunderous applause to mediocre games that are the worst and partly the reason we can't have good games any longer.. It's just mindboggling how some people can't see what's really (isn't) there. Just show them some fancy and cool graphics and they're hooked. Some even put on their narrow-view mask (kinda like those roach has so he can focus on just seeing straight) and lazily calls any critique for just being a hate-train. Personally, I neither hate the game nor CDPR.
But what if Tesla promised a 800km car and just delivered a 200km car that people had pre-ordered for the price of a 600-800km car? People would rightly be angry and upset, and lawsuits would rain upon Tesla. Then again, the gaming industry can pretty much "promise" or commit false advertisements without any repercussions.
Post edited January 13, 2021 by sanscript

New User
Registered: Jun 2011
From Canada
Posted January 13, 2021
That video intro was pretty good!
That video intro was pretty good!
Post edited January 13, 2021 by ast486

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Registered: May 2015
From Saudi Arabia

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted January 13, 2021
Beginning is funny :)

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Registered: Jun 2017
From United Kingdom
Posted January 13, 2021
I gave up on Angry Joe a few years ago, but his CP76 review was excellent. It encapsulated everything wrong with the game and he showed extensive footage of his own streams/gameplay with endless bugs on a no doubt premier rig; finally putting to bed the petulant fanboi dismissal of ‘lol no potato lel’.
Worth-a-Buy alsogave it a fair review. Lesser known, but the review by 21Kiloton was pretty balanced and extensive too.
Yongyea however exposed himself as a YT buck-chasing fraud with his massively premature praise-filled review (since tried to reverse his position). And Jim Sterling, becoming ever more unbearable with each passing week, has posted endless hate for the game DESPITE freely admitting he has not and will not play it.
AJ on the money. And that opening of AJ’s was vintage, back to his best. “Try some microtransactions, now this is the really good stuff”
Worth-a-Buy alsogave it a fair review. Lesser known, but the review by 21Kiloton was pretty balanced and extensive too.
Yongyea however exposed himself as a YT buck-chasing fraud with his massively premature praise-filled review (since tried to reverse his position). And Jim Sterling, becoming ever more unbearable with each passing week, has posted endless hate for the game DESPITE freely admitting he has not and will not play it.
AJ on the money. And that opening of AJ’s was vintage, back to his best. “Try some microtransactions, now this is the really good stuff”
Post edited January 13, 2021 by Omarios

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Registered: Oct 2014
From Australia
Posted January 14, 2021

Registered: Dec 2020
From Mexico
Posted January 14, 2021
BAD CDPR, BAD!! Winners don't use drugs!!
*Spraying CDPR with spray bottle*
*Spraying CDPR with spray bottle*
Post edited January 14, 2021 by Tony064

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Registered: Apr 2017
From United States
Posted January 14, 2021
I refuse to watch Joe anymore. In recent years, all he does is whine about EVERYTHING. I'm 100% okay with criticism if it's fair and not excessive. However, he's become a spoiled, entitled crybaby who can't give credit to anyone. Any form of microtransactions (regardless of how well they're implemented)? "I should get everything for my base purchase." Just a couple bugs in a sandbox game/RPG on day one? "Unacceptable, we deserve more." Game wasn't centered around his own, individual desires? "I've never been more disappointed."
In general, gamers need to cut the crap. Constructive criticism is fine if it's voiced in a fair manner and if said critic is willing to give the dev/publisher some slack. However, so many gamers these days are overly entitled crybabies who flip their lid if a game doesn't cater to their individual demands, has any form of post-launch monetization OR has bugs. It's disturbing, to say the least.
In general, gamers need to cut the crap. Constructive criticism is fine if it's voiced in a fair manner and if said critic is willing to give the dev/publisher some slack. However, so many gamers these days are overly entitled crybabies who flip their lid if a game doesn't cater to their individual demands, has any form of post-launch monetization OR has bugs. It's disturbing, to say the least.

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Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted January 14, 2021
Jakob, you are why companies get away with releasing games like this.

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Registered: Oct 2014
From Australia

New User
Registered: Apr 2017
From United States
Posted January 14, 2021
There's nothing wrong with releasing games like this. Open world games, particularly of the sandbox/RPG variety, will ALWAYS have bugs at launch. It's just an inevitability. Gamers need to realize that or get out of this genre entirely.
wayke: Jim Sterling is 1000x worse, Wah wah my leftist agenda and dreams have been crushed How Dare You!, Then he's off using other peoples misery to push his world view and how everyone should change because he says..
Joe just tugs that Sony shaft so lovingly, He gets on my nerves mostly.
wayke: With that mindset yes I choose to ignore that bit, It might be a shill lets see. Lol I don't know who Jim Sterling is but that sounds pretty atrocious.

Joe just tugs that Sony shaft so lovingly, He gets on my nerves mostly.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Australia
Posted January 14, 2021

Joe just tugs that Sony shaft so lovingly, He gets on my nerves mostly.
With that mindset yes I choose to ignore that bit, It might be a shill lets see.


New User
Registered: Apr 2017
From United States
Posted January 14, 2021

Lol I don't know who Jim Sterling is but that sounds pretty atrocious.


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Registered: Oct 2014
From Australia