GObonzo: but GTAV had some awesome radio stations with real talented artists; some classic rock\pop-rock, some classic 90s hip-hop, some good soul\R&B, and a few others.
Gersen: It's not really a critique on the quality of the artist themselves, more that I don't think it really match the theme. In GTA it makes sense because it take place slightly in the past / present day, so having this kind of music make sense, but for a game talking place in 2077 in a cyberpunk universe I was expecting something more...well cyberpunk'ish.
i definitely agree with the need for something that should fit their era. and then if you compare how terribly popular music quality has declined over the last 20+ years for us, maybe it makes sense in a "realistic" future world that popular music quality could have declined that much further.
but for the sake of those playing the game in this era, the music should also be themed to something that current players would actually enjoy.
and we have plenty of oldies stations and "classic" rock available to us. the majority of what i listen to is from ~30-60 years ago, so we should have some oldies stations available in the game where we could listen to stuff from our current century.
the argument could still easily be that it is not our actual universe which houses the CP2077 world, so it can't contain any of our actual music.
i imagine it was more about royalties and saving some money in development that kept them from adding any good music from our "universe" though.