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So far I have enjoyed the game but the AI ​​leaves much to be desired, enemies that stay put, the non-existent intelligence of the police (they only appear behind you), poor driving on the part of the NPCs. My question is is it possible for CDPR to fix the AI ​​or is it something that can no longer be fixed?
RagkJc: So far I have enjoyed the game but the AI ​​leaves much to be desired, enemies that stay put, the non-existent intelligence of the police (they only appear behind you), poor driving on the part of the NPCs. My question is is it possible for CDPR to fix the AI ​​or is it something that can no longer be fixed?
The traffic just sits and never moves in some places not even in crowded areas.
During a rescue mission I choked out an enemy from behind the couch he was sitting on and as soon as the K/O animation was done he promptly stood up, walked back around to the couch, sat back down, then passed out. Talk about a WTF moment!
i suppose that CDRP has 50% chance to fix ai
Of course they can fix it. The real question is, will they?

There is costs involved with it all. With the amount lost already, what will they do?

Will they let this game just smolder out or do they have enough backing, available resources and time to make this what it could be. There's a LOT of wonderful work in place. The game isn't dead by far. It's all in their court as to what will be done and what the future of CP will be. Modders have already taken the wild beast and at least have it cornered . It's up to them to put the leash on it.
They could but I don't think it's even close to their current priority
Modders have already enhanced some of the AI, check out NexusMods.. if modder WITHOUT official mod tools can fix it CDP with all the tools and nearly unlimited resources sure as hell better!
I want at the very bare minimum some semblance of ANI, that's for sure. NONE of us expected AGI level intelligence, but get the ANI right AT LEAST.
Post edited February 02, 2021 by Tracido
“A couple bugs in here
Some broken scripts right there
Our fans will fix it anyway
So we don’t care...”
Omarios: “A couple bugs in here
Some broken scripts right there
Our fans will fix it anyway
So we don’t care...”
A Bethesda Model of Game Development

SAD ... SAd ... Sad
RagkJc: So far I have enjoyed the game but the AI ​​leaves much to be desired, enemies that stay put, the non-existent intelligence of the police (they only appear behind you), poor driving on the part of the NPCs. My question is is it possible for CDPR to fix the AI ​​or is it something that can no longer be fixed?
Arkagon: The traffic just sits and never moves in some places not even in crowded areas.
That drives me nuts (wordplay not intended). I'll be speeding along the freeway and up ahead is one or more cars completely at a standstill with absolutely nothing at all in front of them. It's not at an intersection, there are no traffic lights, they just blindly stop in the very middle of a freeway for absolutely no reason and sit there and wont move at all. If you spend 20 minutes non stop just hitting the freeways you'll encounter a lot of this. It's fun to take a motorbike out in the freeway loop just for the hell of it, and then every now and then you get unlucky and slam into the back of a car that is at a complete standstill.

There are also places in the game where the driving AI just routinely veers off the road and smashes right into a concrete pylon holding up an overpass one car after another after another. Right in Corpo Plaza near Arasaka/Militech etc. buildings for example. I made a video clip of that as I couldn't believe it. The road is visibly in one place but the car AI clearly has a different map of where the road actually is programmed into it because every single car hits that concrete pillar every single time. There are car doors flying off, hoods, sometimes a car explodes, and every now and then a car gets stuck half inside the pylon.

There's another place in the game I forget the exact location of but I've seen it multiple times where at an intersection the car at the front of the lineup waiting for the light to change has sunk into the road and just the roof or hood of it is sticking out of the ground.

On an Arasaka related mission you have to go into this compound and there is a delivery van on a cycle coming to the building frequently. It drives through the front gate and falls through the pavement into a void never to be seen again about 80% of the time.

But the best one of all might be right outside of V's own apartment building there is a street vendor where you sit down with Jackie to grab a bite to eat early in the game. Just to the right there are about 4 concrete road dividers sitting there and I wondered why they were there. Well I found out. Cars come around the corner and slam right into the concrete dividers most of the time, one after the other. Everyone goes about their day like nothing is happening even though car parts are flying everywhere. While I was having food with Jackie a car literally hit the concrete, flew up in the air and car parts littered the ground all around me. If you just stand there for a while you'll see tonnes of cars hit that concrete and crash all day long.

Terrible NPC driving AI, roads that don't line up with where the NPC cars think the roads are, random crashes with car parts flying all over, cars falling from the sky out of nowhere.

I've heard some people say that the game was never beta tested to find issues like these. I disagree. We are the beta testers.

The NPC driving AI in Cyberpunk is worse than any other driving game I've ever played.

Having said that, the game still has a lot of fun elements even though the brokenness makes the fun fleeting moments spaced out, or fun interrupted by bugs, bad AI or other bad design elements. It can be pretty frustrating at times, but they did make The Witcher 3 which is the best game ever made so maybe they can still fix Cyberpunk. They have mad cash now so I'm rooting for them.
Omarios: “A couple bugs in here
Some broken scripts right there
Our fans will fix it anyway
So we don’t care...”
Is that you Todd?
Arkagon: The traffic just sits and never moves in some places not even in crowded areas.
skeletonbow: That drives me nuts (wordplay not intended). I'll be speeding along the freeway and up ahead is one or more cars completely at a standstill with absolutely nothing at all in front of them. It's not at an intersection, there are no traffic lights, they just blindly stop in the very middle of a freeway for absolutely no reason and sit there and wont move at all. If you spend 20 minutes non stop just hitting the freeways you'll encounter a lot of this. It's fun to take a motorbike out in the freeway loop just for the hell of it, and then every now and then you get unlucky and slam into the back of a car that is at a complete standstill.

There are also places in the game where the driving AI just routinely veers off the road and smashes right into a concrete pylon holding up an overpass one car after another after another. Right in Corpo Plaza near Arasaka/Militech etc. buildings for example. I made a video clip of that as I couldn't believe it. The road is visibly in one place but the car AI clearly has a different map of where the road actually is programmed into it because every single car hits that concrete pillar every single time. There are car doors flying off, hoods, sometimes a car explodes, and every now and then a car gets stuck half inside the pylon.

There's another place in the game I forget the exact location of but I've seen it multiple times where at an intersection the car at the front of the lineup waiting for the light to change has sunk into the road and just the roof or hood of it is sticking out of the ground.

On an Arasaka related mission you have to go into this compound and there is a delivery van on a cycle coming to the building frequently. It drives through the front gate and falls through the pavement into a void never to be seen again about 80% of the time.

But the best one of all might be right outside of V's own apartment building there is a street vendor where you sit down with Jackie to grab a bite to eat early in the game. Just to the right there are about 4 concrete road dividers sitting there and I wondered why they were there. Well I found out. Cars come around the corner and slam right into the concrete dividers most of the time, one after the other. Everyone goes about their day like nothing is happening even though car parts are flying everywhere. While I was having food with Jackie a car literally hit the concrete, flew up in the air and car parts littered the ground all around me. If you just stand there for a while you'll see tonnes of cars hit that concrete and crash all day long.

Terrible NPC driving AI, roads that don't line up with where the NPC cars think the roads are, random crashes with car parts flying all over, cars falling from the sky out of nowhere.

I've heard some people say that the game was never beta tested to find issues like these. I disagree. We are the beta testers.

The NPC driving AI in Cyberpunk is worse than any other driving game I've ever played.

Having said that, the game still has a lot of fun elements even though the brokenness makes the fun fleeting moments spaced out, or fun interrupted by bugs, bad AI or other bad design elements. It can be pretty frustrating at times, but they did make The Witcher 3 which is the best game ever made so maybe they can still fix Cyberpunk. They have mad cash now so I'm rooting for them.
This makes buying cars or even getting free cars almost useless. So far, motorcycles are the way only way to go.
RagkJc: So far I have enjoyed the game but the AI ​​leaves much to be desired, enemies that stay put, the non-existent intelligence of the police (they only appear behind you), poor driving on the part of the NPCs. My question is is it possible for CDPR to fix the AI ​​or is it something that can no longer be fixed?
I asked this question too. I am hopeful, but not confident.
Post edited February 02, 2021 by WilliamFrost
Arkagon: The traffic just sits and never moves in some places not even in crowded areas.
skeletonbow: <skipped text>

The NPC driving AI in Cyberpunk is worse than any other driving game I've ever played.

Having said that, the game still has a lot of fun elements even though the brokenness makes the fun fleeting moments spaced out, or fun interrupted by bugs, bad AI or other bad design elements. It can be pretty frustrating at times, but they did make The Witcher 3 which is the best game ever made so maybe they can still fix Cyberpunk. They have mad cash now so I'm rooting for them.
I have no doubts that CDPR are more than capable to re-make Cyberpunk (as what it really needs is a complete overhaul for most of the game other than main storyline and selected side quests) - but I have serious doubts whether they want to - commercially or otherwise.
Post edited February 02, 2021 by midrand
Omarios: “A couple bugs in here
Some broken scripts right there
Our fans will fix it anyway
So we don’t care...”
mad_crease: A Bethesda Model of Game Development

SAD ... SAd ... Sad
Asure damn hope this doesn't start becoming a trend in game development.
skeletonbow: <skipped text>

The NPC driving AI in Cyberpunk is worse than any other driving game I've ever played.

Having said that, the game still has a lot of fun elements even though the brokenness makes the fun fleeting moments spaced out, or fun interrupted by bugs, bad AI or other bad design elements. It can be pretty frustrating at times, but they did make The Witcher 3 which is the best game ever made so maybe they can still fix Cyberpunk. They have mad cash now so I'm rooting for them.
midrand: I have no doubts that CDPR are more than capable to re-make Cyberpunk (as what it really needs is a complete overhaul for most of the game other than main storyline and selected side quests) - but I have serious doubts whether they want to - commercially or otherwise.
I think it comes down to whether they intend Cyberpunk 2077 to be a one off game to make a buck from, or if they intend for it to be an all time classic game franchise that they wish to build up more and more in the future not only with expansion packs, multiplayer, but also future sequels. In the game there are some potential teasers to be found such as the "Chicago tunnel coming in 2080" which is a train tunnel to Chicago in 3 years time (in game time). While it is not easy to get to the location in the game it is actually possible, and I've been to the tunnel site and it is clear that they intend for it to be a playable area in the future, whether as an expansion content for CP2077 or in a future sequel or whatnot.

I think they have put enough effort into this project as a whole that they want it to be an ongoing franchise that they can produce future games from including spinoffs and other content rather than having made it as a one off game. Starting up entirely new game franchises is an incredibly expensive and risky thing to do at the scale of this game and I don't think any company purposefully goes into such a project with short sighted visions of producing one game and then calling it quits on the entire story universe and franchise.

Having said that, if they want Cyberpunk "the franchise" to have long standing appeal and success to them as a company then they HAVE to fix the bugs in the game and prominent flaws in order to show gamers that they are in fact ultra committed to Cyberpunk the franchise and not just a one off game within the universe.

This means that they have to not only address all of the clear cut bugs in the game and broken visuals and obvious things, but that they need to address the deeper flawed systems in the game such as bad cop AI/pedestrian AI/driving AI, bad user interface, bad crafting and inventory systems that are tedious, slow and clunky etc.

If they put out patches for the game for 6-12 months and fix only some of this stuff and leave the rest in a terrible state, then that would indicate to me that it is intended as a one-off that they do not plan to return to in the future, or that it was just a profit driven venture that might spawn more profit driven ventures in the future rather than a franchise to be proud of.

My gut tells me that CDPR wanted this to be a long lasting franchise of high quality but that they bit off more than they could chew and had to put it out the door sooner than later to have the least financial damage from it, and then clean it up later. So now they need to clean it up now and show us that they do intend for the franchise to have a future and not be a one off oops.

If they write off Cyberpunk before it is polished off, then what is next for the company? Yeah, there's Witcher 3 RTX and that will be cool likely but it's not a new game and isn't going to generate massive sales or anything, it's just a boost in cashflow from an already existing game. What's next after that? Witcher 4? Then Witcher 5, 6, 7 and 8? There is risk to being a one-franchise pony. All it takes is one really bad game to kill a franchise or a company, so it is natural they want to have a bit more variety by having a few franchises to alternate between over time.

If they turn Cyberepunk into a one-off and leave it in a messy state, nobody's going to trust them with any future game releases they make whether they do a Witcher 4 or anything else.

They put their reputation on the line with this and now they have to do the work and polish the game into what people expected they were going to get, not just apologize for it. Time, money, and manpower are all presumably on their side so it is entirely possible for them to fix this IMHO. I give them the benefit of doubt that they will, but also want to see it actually happen first, and I'll be holding onto my money 100% until the game is in a state that I consider "delivered on promises and expectations". So I wont be buying any expansions, spinoff games or other content until they fix the most egregious and pressing bugs and issues I have with the game.

At the same time I want to end on a positive note, which is to say that I was very impressed with the actual storyline in the game and I've completed it now. No spoilers, but wow. The level of polish the story has compared to the game mechanics etc. are very different and almost feels like 2 different games. I want to see them polish the rest of the game up to the standard of the main storyline and acting, drama etc. present. Then we've got a classic damn game of epicness. It just might take a long time to get there I feel, but time will tell...