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WLapassera: Hi everyone,
took me some time time to config the game properly so I felt was worth to share this.
I had all the possible glitch and problem crackling audio, crash etc etc...
My PC is :
- Win 7 64bit
- GTX 1660 super 6Gb DDR6
- i7 4790K
- 16GB RAM
So, I was expecting to play on high settings 1080p and the game also default start like that.
It even runs pretty smooth, but then dies every 5-10 minutes with "driver video stopped working"...
The solution to all problems for me has been:
-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high
It still look nice (for my personal standard) and more important no more CTD.
Hope this help someone <3
I knew I had forgotten to try SOMETHING, and that was a max framerate and vsync.. just tried it but I still crash at the same spot.

Thanks though.
forgot to mention that, no fullscreen option or scaling for me too
No fullscreen for me either.. but update.. I tried max framerate 30 / vsync 30 and I got past where it crashed like over 30 times in a row now.. so... yay.. 30fps for me i guess
WLapassera: forgot to mention that, no fullscreen option or scaling for me too
sorry also was these

-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high

throguht the game options or the nvidia control panel?
WLapassera: forgot to mention that, no fullscreen option or scaling for me too
NoobyMcNoobnoob: sorry also was these

-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high

throguht the game options or the nvidia control panel?
I changed vsync and max framerate in-game and it solved my problem. had to set it to 30.
WLapassera: forgot to mention that, no fullscreen option or scaling for me too
NoobyMcNoobnoob: sorry also was these

-vsync enabled 60
-max framerate on 60
-texture mid
-everything else on low except aniso filtering 16 and level detail high

throguht the game options or the nvidia control panel?
game option
orra420: I changed vsync and max framerate in-game and it solved my problem. had to set it to 30.
nice :D
hopefully in some patches we all will be able to increase settings more and more
Post edited December 11, 2020 by WLapassera
russellskanne: Now I'm at the appartment and it crashes everytime I try to look into the mirror. I guess the mirror situations are the most taxing gpu-wise. Lowering some settings (SSR) seems to help here.
Same issue. I was am assuming my character was uglier than I had anticipated and broke it when I looiked into the mirror. Or the game was laughing too hard and puked. One of the two
orra420: However I just got to a part in the main story a few hours in and it crashes every time at the same spot, even on lowest settings. I've tried everything, even disabling tutorials (which shouldn't be relevant that many hours in) but just to say I tried it all.

So I guess I can play the intro section of the game but no Keanu for me =/
I managed to get past that section by changing it to Windowed mode, not the full screen windowed, and then changing resolution to 1280 x 720. Also turning every absolutely low. Just make sure you restart game after that.
low rated
You all know you can still get windows 10 from Microsoft for free? You all shouldn't really be running windows 7, security is wide open on it now.
orra420: I changed vsync and max framerate in-game and it solved my problem. had to set it to 30.
ok instead of restarting the computer after another nvidia crash, i just restarted the game, after that i lose quite of few video options like res scaling, max frame rate, ect. but i swapped everything to low, v-sync 75, managed to start street kid up to talking to jackie after police at the start without crashes, decided to try another start with the corp and got up to after the montage with jackie after failing first job without any crashes, thought it was looking ok to at least play, so i tryed the nomad start and game crashed again as soon as i took off the badge on the vest that the character wears that doesnt seem to appear on the mirror. (same dx12 error that every other error ever on the game)

now this is just FN weird because after crashing and "recovering" the nvidia control panel doesnt work till i restart. so i dont know if crashing is "fixing it" somehow at least for the other 2 starts. but most of the other times i have be restarting the system and on occations deleting the userconfig and cache to reset the options cause sometimes it would cause the game to crash on load (with the same FCKING dx12 error).

any thoughts?
- win 7 64
- GTX 1070
- i5 4590
- 16GB

** WELP seems just to be luck, tried again for new starts and only street punk worded this time (just character created and walking around the bar, corp died as soon as hand hit water, and nomad died again when looking at his trucker scout badge (did this test twice for all starts). might have to wait a few weeks for next patch from either nvidia or CDPR but at least i MIGHT be able to redo the streetkid start so the character doesnt look like a bastard child of multi-coloured slaanesh worshipper and a skitarii.
o well 3:30am again in the land downunder goodnight but at least i made some progress today i now have 2% on the trophy thing and 2h 53 mins "played", FFS
Post edited December 11, 2020 by NoobyMcNoobnoob
Seeing all these reports it seems as if the game simply is not really running on Win7 - which I own as well. So maybe I will wait a bit and watch this thread. Please report even if it is running and how well, it woul dhelp me in making my decision about getting the game or not.
Win7x64 no error msg fail to launch solved (at least for me).

You need Windows Update KB2670838-x64 which can be found here:

I tired everything else in these threads then found this in someone's thread and it worked. Was missing that update for Windows 7, as soon as I installed and restarted pc, game started running.
Well, eventually got it running. I can't be bothered to dupe my thread here so I'll just link it :-

In short, reinstalling through Galaxy seemed to get me into the game but the performance was pretty bad. Bit disappointed, considering I can play every other game I own (Doom Eternal, Witcher 3, TWWH2, etc) on MAX settings at well over 60FPS.

Averaging about 20-30 on this. Dropped to 10-15 in the bar (Corpo start).

Looks like I'm just gonna have to chug through my backlog until the game is patched / new drivers are released.
AmijaDG: Win7x64 no error msg fail to launch solved (at least for me).

You need Windows Update KB2670838-x64 which can be found here:

I tired everything else in these threads then found this in someone's thread and it worked. Was missing that update for Windows 7, as soon as I installed and restarted pc, game started running.
already had that.

Still crashes entire game after about an hour of play.
new day, new patch, new whinge for not being able to play because of e:\r6.patch0hotfix2\dev\src\common\gpuapi\src\dx12\gpuapidx12error.cpp.
what is new is old again.