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GoG is supposed to be DRM-free, but I have no other explanation for my game crashes other than DRM. Due to a fire, I don't have hardline internet at my house and it'll probably be another month until I do. So in the meantime I am connecting to the internet through my phone, but it's VERY slow unless I pay them $35 per 5 gigs, and even then it's still pretty slow. I took my computer down to a family member's house to download the game - even though I bought the physical version of the game, the discs that came with it did not contain any game data. After downloading the game, I checked to make sure it was working before I packed back up. The game successfully launched at my family member's house. So then I take my PC home and try to launch the game. The game starts up and brings me to the CDPR splash screen. Then after about 2 seconds, it crashes. This game worked perfectly at my family member's house. The only difference between now and then is that I have very limited internet. That means there's something trying to use my internet to allow me to play the game, and since it's getting limited bandwidth it is crashing the game; in other words, there is DRM in Cyberpunk 2077 and it's preventing me from playing the game. CDPR, are you willing to reimburse me for lying about your platform being DRM-free?

BTW Yes, I have disabled overlays, synced saves, and even achievements. My drivers are also up to date.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Knightcrawler
Really? DRM is your ONLY explination? How about the fact the game is basically unstable? or the miriad of other reasons games crash?
Pure_Mind_Games: Really? DRM is your ONLY explination? How about the fact the game is basically unstable? or the miriad of other reasons games crash?
Nah, sorry dude. I'm using logic for this. The game launched just fine half an hour earlier when I had a stable internet connection. And unlike a lot of the flatlines I have seen on YouTube, this is AFTER launching.
Knightcrawler: ... The game starts up and brings me to the CDPR splash screen. Then after about 2 seconds, it crashes. This game worked perfectly at my family member's house. The only difference between now and then is that I have very limited internet. That means there's something trying to use my internet to allow me to play the game, and since it's getting limited bandwidth it is crashing the game...
What does it do if you try to play entirely offline? Did you download the offline installer files (which are specifically designed to be used for offline installation) or did you use "GOG Galaxy" (which is similar to Steam in its behavior)? Maybe offline will work better than mobile internet, if it's trying to use a feature of Galaxy or something which wasn't designed with mobile internet in mind.
Pure_Mind_Games: Really? DRM is your ONLY explination? How about the fact the game is basically unstable? or the miriad of other reasons games crash?
Okay maybe there's something else going on after all. After rebooting my computer again, everything worked. I don't even know, man.
Definitely weird - I can launch direct from the EXE without Galaxy running and no internet connection - if there was any type of super secret sauce DRM plugged in - that would 100% stop me from launching it.
Knightcrawler: ... The game starts up and brings me to the CDPR splash screen. Then after about 2 seconds, it crashes. This game worked perfectly at my family member's house. The only difference between now and then is that I have very limited internet. That means there's something trying to use my internet to allow me to play the game, and since it's getting limited bandwidth it is crashing the game...
drm9009: What does it do if you try to play entirely offline? Did you download the offline installer files (which are specifically designed to be used for offline installation) or did you use "GOG Galaxy" (which is similar to Steam in its behavior)? Maybe offline will work better than mobile internet, if it's trying to use a feature of Galaxy or something which wasn't designed with mobile internet in mind.
I downloaded through GoG Galaxy. Trying to play entirely offline (unplugging my phone, closing GoG, launching from the .exe in the x64 folder) has the exact same result as launching through GoG. I don't have the bandwidth to reinstall the game. It'd cost me over $400 and take about 2 days. But for some reason, things are working now after a reboot... (technically my second reboot since installing the game). Launching from GoG Galaxy AND launching from the .exe works now. I don't understand what was wrong before. Maybe I had to reboot after disabling the overlay?
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Knightcrawler